AltWeeklies Wire
Detroit mayor, council vote to keep Orr as EM for bankruptcy mattersnew

After days of deliberation behind closed doors in private sessions, Detroit's mayor and city council voted to keep Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr in place until Detroit exits bankruptcy court. Orr, however, will cede full control of the city's day-to-day operations, according to a a joint statement issued Thursday evening by Mayor Mike Duggan and Detroit City Council. ...
Metro Times |
Ryan Felton |
09-25-2014 |
Detroit Mayoral Race Ripensnew

Benny Napoleon and Mike Duggan release their improvement plans.
Metro Times |
Larry Gabriel |
09-24-2013 |
Tags: Benny Napoleon
What Will Being Mayor of Detroit Mean?new

A field of candidates vies for the toughest job in America.
Metro Times |
Jack Lessenberry |
07-25-2013 |
A Six-Way Race to the Startnew

Detroit voters are less than two weeks away from a mayoral primary that has been overshadowed by an emergency financial manager and a subsequent bankruptcy filing. Metro Times editors sat down for in-depth interviews with the race's top six candidates to hear how each would rescue a city drowning in debt and apathy.
Metro Times |
Bryan Gottlieb and Curt Guyette |
07-24-2013 |
Barry and the Wacky Weedusnew

When Barak Obama became president in 2008, there was hope among marijuana activists that federal authorities would not concern themselves with medical marijuana facilities and individuals in states that legalized the plant for medical use. Seems that hope was misplaced.
Metro Times |
Larry Gabriel |
06-12-2013 |
G.O.P. Smackdown: The Stakes Are High in Michigan Slugfestnew

Michigan's Feb. 28 primary could prove a critical juncture in the blood sport leading to the GOP convention. Should Romney lose here and limp away wounded, it could lead to the first brokered convention in more than a half century.
Metro Times |
Curt Guyette |
02-23-2012 |
Bart Stupak Paid Below-Market Rates for Rental in Washington,
Last week, the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed complaints alleging that current and former residents of the stately row house at 133 C St. in Washington, D.C. paid below-market rates for rooms they rented in the $1.8 million dollar redbrick building. One of the U.S. reps named in the complaint is none other than Bart Stupak, the Democrat who gained much national attention for his proposed anti-abortion amendment to the just-signed health care bill.
Metro Times |
Metro Times Staff |
04-09-2010 |
Tags: 133 C St., Bart Stupak
Grand Ol' Party of Hatenew
In the 1960s, at least mainstream liberal Democrats did not egg on the violent left .
Metro Times |
Jack Lessenberry |
04-06-2010 |
Cable TV vs. America: The Problem With Paid-For Punditsnew

When Franklin D. Roosevelt took office on March 4, 1933, the United States economy was in a state of near-collapse, with the nation's banks about to close. The new president came into office having pledged to balance the budget and reduce federal spending, but quickly realized that would have meant disaster.
Metro Times |
Jack Lessenberry |
01-27-2010 |
What's Next for a Congressman Who Rode in on Obama’s Coattails?new

People did vie to shake his hand and share his lunch table, but having U.S. Rep. Gary Peters at a homeless shelter last week for a meeting of community group leaders wasn't exactly a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many people there.
Metro Times |
Sandra Svoboda |
01-19-2010 |
Why We Should Feel Sorry for Joe Wilsonnew
His priorities were these: With his numbers dropping, Joe wanted to make himself an instant hero to the far right -- something that is indeed starting to happen. He got to be on a Fox network talk show Sunday; last week, he probably would have had to buy a ticket to be in the studio audience.
Metro Times |
Jack Lessenberry |
09-22-2009 |
Why's the Detroit Mayoral Race Getting So Little Attention When So Much is On the Line?new
What's that you say? There's a mayor's race going on in Detroit? If this is news to you, or if you are vaguely aware that a mayoral primary will be held Aug. 4, but have no clue about the quintet of challengers vying to unseat newly elected incumbent Dave Bing, you can be forgiven.
Metro Times |
Curt Guyette |
07-28-2009 |
The Final Days of White Supremacy in Americanew
I don't mean to sound apocalyptic or anything, but the era of the United States as a white country run by white people is ending — and that has almost nothing to do with Obama, although he may have perceived and tapped into the wave of change earlier than others.
Metro Times |
Larry Gabriel |
11-25-2008 |
Election '08: Now Comes the Hard Partnew
Finally, at long last, the election is over. Now comes the really, really hard part. Our nation is facing a bad time economically. Detroit and Michigan are facing something much worse. Avoiding something that looks more like a depression than a recession will be tremendously difficult.
Metro Times |
Jack Lessenberry |
11-11-2008 |
McCain Sinks Low in His Quest to Win at Any Costnew
John McCain learned something from his 2000 primary fight with George W. Bush. Unfortunately, the lesson he seems to have taken away from it was this: If you want to be president, you need to forget about integrity and sell your soul.
Metro Times |
Jack Lessenberry |
10-28-2008 |