AltWeeklies Wire

What's Next for a Congressman Who Rode in on Obama’s Coattails?new

People did vie to shake his hand and share his lunch table, but having U.S. Rep. Gary Peters at a homeless shelter last week for a meeting of community group leaders wasn't exactly a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many people there.
Metro Times  |  Sandra Svoboda  |  01-19-2010  |  Commentary

Brawl in the Sprawl: The Political Future of Oakland County, Michigannew

How will residents of metro Detroit's richest county vote Nov. 4 -- for Illinois Democratic Sen. Barack Obama or Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain? Will the county hold to its Republican roots or continue recent Democratic trends in congressional and countywide elections?
Metro Times  |  Sandra Svoboda  |  10-28-2008  |  Politics

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