AltWeeklies Wire

Stop This Nuclear Insanitynew

Safe or not, Fukushima contamination showing up in Vermont is a stark reminder that we all live on a little planet, and like it or not, there is no escaping this global society.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  04-18-2011  |  Commentary

Welcome to Paladino Countrynew

Wonder what kind of region produces a man like developer Carl Paladino, who rode the rage of the tea party movement to become the Republican candidate for governor of New York? Welcome to Buffalo and its discontents.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  10-08-2010  |  Commentary

Tea Bag Schwagnew

There was a big Tea Party thing in Buffalo this morning. Three tour buses, and lots of angry white people. If you missed it, you missed your chance to get neato T-shirts and stickers that can proclaim your anger to everyone.
Artvoice  |  Buck Quigley  |  04-12-2010  |  Politics

How Too Little State Spending Will Hurt Recovery in Upstate New Yorknew

The lower your income in New York State, the more of it you pay in state and local income, sales, property, and excise taxes. The more you make, the less of it you pay in state and local taxes here.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  03-27-2010  |  Commentary

How Suburban Voters are Sabotaging the Governments They Seek to Reformnew

Suburban mobs throughout the region have vandalized local institutions in their own way. They have hurled rhetorical bricks at their local governments, and hauled their neighbors from town hall offices, gleefully setting fire to the positions those individuals previously occupied.
Artvoice  |  James A. Gardner  |  02-26-2010  |  Commentary

The Incredible Shrinking Metro: Building and Buying Our Way Toward Declinenew

It’s time to count up the money. There is around $150 million in taxpayer money that has been committed for the Erie Canal Harbor development, on top of more than $46 million in public funds that have already been spent, and the plan is to spend it out over the next few years to build a retail and entertainment district.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  01-15-2010  |  Commentary

Congressman Brian Higgins Makes the Case for the Health Care Reform Billnew

When Speaker Nancy Pelosi unveiled the Democrats' 1,900-page reform bill, Higgins was one among those Democrats who jumped out front to defend the proposal against relentless Republican opposition.
Artvoice  |  Geoff Kelly  |  11-09-2009  |  Politics

The Ghost of Bush: How Dubya's Court Can Undo Democracynew

Make no mistake about it. The Supreme Court is the ticking time bomb Dubya left in the executive bedroom. And it's about to blow.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  09-18-2009  |  Commentary

The Hustle: Comfortable Rich Men Debate Our Futurenew

This week will be a pretty good indicator of whether President Barack Obama is Keynesian, a Shakespearean, a Vatican II guy, or a Burkean. He will either boldly hammer home a courageous, thorough-going reorganization of health care policy, or Obama will punt on all that and instead gives us a nuanced, lawyered parsing of current practice.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  09-11-2009  |  Commentary

Slicing the Pie: Our Strange Politics of Rich and Poornew

It's pretty darned clear that our current political leadership has taken the lessons of Niccolo Machiavelli to heart. But just now, because of the great economic collapse of the end of the Bush-Madoff era, change is being thrust upon us. And the toughest change is always going to be about money -- who gets it, and who gets to keep it.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  07-24-2009  |  Commentary

Barack Obama, the Urban Presidentnew

There's a new advocate for regionalism in America. His name is President-elect Barack Obama.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  12-01-2008  |  Commentary

How Obama Can Become the President for Citiesnew

Here's what the president-elect's task could be: He could so shape federal policies on energy, infrastructure, transportation, housing, and environment that the 60-year trend toward suburbanization could change, such that the city once again becomes the focus of human activity in this country.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  11-10-2008  |  Commentary

Keeping McCain in the Gamenew

It's the Fox/Talk Radio Money Bowl (and a healthy dose of racism) that keeps this ridiculous McCain/Palin ticket in the game. If the Obama/Biden ticket does triumph, this election will indeed be historic for more reasons than the American media is ready to talk about.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  10-27-2008  |  Commentary

Election '08: Talking Taxes and Truthnew

Maybe the presidential race will get closer, but so far Obama's success demonstrates that the Republican campaign against taxes is failing. That's a profound and historic shift.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  10-20-2008  |  Commentary

Idiots, Idioms, and Presidential Elections in the Age of Republicansnew

The election is not about John McCain and Sarah Palin or Barack Obama and Joe Biden. It's just about Republican strategists trying to hold the ball and run the clock out, buying two more days of distraction from the real campaign issues with manufactured controversy.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  09-22-2008  |  Commentary

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