AltWeeklies Wire
You've Got No Mailnew
The corporate hit job on the US Postal Service continues wit the end of Saturday mail.
Artvoice |
Michael I. Niman |
02-15-2013 |
Tags: US Postal Service, Saturday mail
You Write "Theatre," I Write "Theater"new

Why are some folks so passionate in their preference for "theatre" or "theater"? History illuminates the sociopolitical aspects of the argument.
Predictions and Apocalyptic Visions for 2012new

Republicans filibuster outgoing President Obama's congratulatory phone call, and more fearless predictions for 2012.
Artvoice |
Artvoice Staff & Readers |
12-23-2011 |
Stop This Nuclear Insanitynew

Safe or not, Fukushima contamination showing up in Vermont is a stark reminder that we all live on a little planet, and like it or not, there is no escaping this global society.
Artvoice |
Michael I. Niman |
04-18-2011 |
The Great Heist of the State University of New York at Buffalonew

Across the country, public universities are being targeted for reform by business leaders and by politicians who speak for business leaders. Buffalo is no different.
Welcome to Paladino Countrynew

Wonder what kind of region produces a man like developer Carl Paladino, who rode the rage of the tea party movement to become the Republican candidate for governor of New York? Welcome to Buffalo and its discontents.
Artvoice |
Bruce Fisher |
10-08-2010 |
Tea Bag Schwagnew
There was a big Tea Party thing in Buffalo this morning. Three tour buses, and lots of angry white people. If you missed it, you missed your chance to get neato T-shirts and stickers that can proclaim your anger to everyone.
Tags: Tea Party
How Too Little State Spending Will Hurt Recovery in Upstate New Yorknew

The lower your income in New York State, the more of it you pay in state and local income, sales, property, and excise taxes. The more you make, the less of it you pay in state and local taxes here.
Artvoice |
Bruce Fisher |
03-27-2010 |
Two UB Art Gallery Exhibits Track Our Impact on the Waters and Water's Impact on Usnew
Two art exhibits about environmental issues just opened at the UB art gallery on the North campus: one local, about the waters of Ellicott Creek a five-minute hike from the gallery; the other about global economic and environmental issues, but with substantial local implications.
Artvoice |
jack Foran |
03-27-2010 |
Tags: Ellicott Creek, SUNY Buffalo
How to Boil Water... and Other Good Thingsnew
Well it’s that time of year again... a time to watch the parade and enjoy all its revelries, and also an opportunity to eat corned beef-and-cabbage. It’s a simple recipe to prepare and one that tastes delicious with beer.
Artvoice |
Joe George |
03-12-2010 |
Where are the Beers of Yesteryear?new
Buffalo got an unexpected boost in 2007 when Labatt USA moved its headquarters to Key Bank Tower. Although city officials didn’t know of the move until it was announced, Mayor Byron Brown was there at the grand opening.
Artvoice |
Buck Quigley |
03-12-2010 |
Eight Questions With Editorial Cartoonist Adam Zyglisnew

Talk about lofty predecessors. When Adam Zyglis became the editorial cartoonist for the Buffalo News in 2004, he stepped into a role once held by not one, but two, Pulitzer Prize winners (Bruce Shanks in 1958 and Tom Toles in 1990).
Tags: Adam Zyglis, Buffalo News
Still the Promised Land: Poverty, Policy and Hope in the Rust Beltnew
Out west in gigantic, thriving Chicago, there’s a debate underway between a journalist and an IT consultant over whether regionalism can help the hollowing-out cities of the Rust Belt.
Could Public-Private Partnerships Save New York State Parks?new
In response to Gov. David Paterson’s plan to save New York $6.5 million by cutting funding to state parks, Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy said this week that corporate sponsorships could be the answer. Levy, a Democrat, has said he would turn Republican if it would help his run for governor.
Artvoice |
Buck Quigley |
02-26-2010 |
How Suburban Voters are Sabotaging the Governments They Seek to Reformnew
Suburban mobs throughout the region have vandalized local institutions in their own way. They have hurled rhetorical bricks at their local governments, and hauled their neighbors from town hall offices, gleefully setting fire to the positions those individuals previously occupied.
Artvoice |
James A. Gardner |
02-26-2010 |