AltWeeklies Wire
Voter Fraud in Florida? Oh do tell!new

Florida voter-fraud investigation charges two ex-strategic allied consulting workers.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Chris Joseph |
03-06-2013 |
Everett Wilkinson: Tea Party Extremist, Media Darlingnew

National reporters love him, but they tend not to mention his kooky conspiracy theories.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Terrence McCoy |
02-27-2013 |
School Officials in Florida Conspired to Build $395M in Unnecessary Classroomsnew
It has become clear now that the madhouse construction of classroom additions and new schools in Broward County is coming to a crash that will rival that of crooked Wall Street banks. The School Board's irresponsible and possibly criminal actions have wasted hundreds of millions of taxpayers' dollars and left the district awash in debt.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Bob Norman |
07-28-2009 |
The Mutual Benefits Fallout for South Florida Politicians Is Still Comingnew
The practice of legislators recommending lobbyists is odious. They are supposed to be agents of the people, not lobbyists for lobbyists.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Bob Norman |
02-03-2009 |
Raul Martinez Beat Himself in Race to Replace Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balartnew
When Martinez returned from the Democratic National Convention in August, it seemed he had Diaz-Balart cornered. But Diaz-Balart pulled it out, in part due to an expensive, Lee Atwater-style attack campaign that made the contest less about change and more about Martinez's scandalous past.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Francisco Alvarado |
11-18-2008 |
Fear of the Queer: Blacks in Florida Vote to Oppress Gaysnew

It's one of the great paradoxes in American politics. The black community, the most oppressed group in U.S. history, has traditionally comprised the most unfriendly demographic toward gays, arguably the second-most-discriminated-against group.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Bob Norman |
11-18-2008 |
Obama Wins, and So Does South Floridanew
It's a victory just to have an election pass without a local embarrassment.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Staff |
11-11-2008 |
Florida Green Party Candidates Were GOP Moles, Suit Claimsnew
Five Green Party candidates ran similarly mysterious campaigns this year in hotly contested races around Florida. All five indicated on financial disclosure forms that they loaned themselves money, even though most of them were broke. Few of them were willing to speak to the press or to representatives of their own party.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Eric Barton |
11-04-2008 |
If Bill Ayers is a Terrorist, Then So Am Inew
Spending a weekend with an accused domestic terrorist shows what kind of guy he is.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Jonathan Cunningham |
11-04-2008 |
One Schlepper Talks About Visiting Her Grandma in Floridanew
Across the country, young Jews are heeding comedian Sarah Silverman's call to have a political pep-talk with their grandparents in Florida. The message is: Don't let bubbe and zaideh vote McCain. Becky Gluskin, a 26-year-old PhD candidate from Manhattan, tells us how her weekend visit to 80-something-year-old grandma Helen swayed one more vote to Obama.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Amy Guthrie |
10-15-2008 |
We Get the Skinny on Wasilla from Someone Who Knowsnew

In South Florida's very midst lives a transplant who hails from the celebrated town of Wasilla, Alaska. He was kind enough to tell us everything we ever wanted to know about Wasilla.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Deirdra Funcheon |
09-16-2008 |
Man Up, Charlie Crist: Make Your Own Macho Would-Be Veep!new
It's crunch time in the Republican VP sweepstakes. If Florida Gov. Charlie Crist wants to win, he has to outrun the rumor he's light in the loafers. Getting engaged was a good start, but he needs an extreme makeover to be straight enough for the family-values crew.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Thomas Francis |
08-12-2008 |
Someone Stop Charlie Crist and His Plan to Sell Our Highwaynew

Stop the Florida governor from hawking Alligator Alley to foreign companies. Stop him from leasing the 78 miles of fenced and flat highway stretching across the Everglades to investors who will bleed motorists dry with higher tolls and no accountability to the people.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Bob Norman |
08-05-2008 |
Florida Gov. Charlie Crist Gets a Hero's Medal for Bailing Out Big Sugarnew
Crist's plan to buy U.S. Sugar for $1.75 billion has been described by Florida newspapers as "bold," "ambitious," and "grand." Now it's time to throw "stupid" and "irresponsible" into the mix.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Bob Norman |
07-22-2008 |
The Presidential Campaign Hits Florida ... Finallynew
A rogue state meets presidential candidates who pine for its fickle heart.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Thomas Francis |
06-03-2008 |