AltWeeklies Wire
Lobbyists should pay what's owednew

Imagine heading down to the DMV and successfully renewing your driver's license even though you owe more than $47,000 in traffic fines. Wouldn't you be shocked you pulled it off?
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
William Perry |
04-05-2012 |
Policy Issues
NRA responds; Krull reloadsnew

An exchange exploring the Second Amendment, lobbyist endorsement and the ways of the Hoosier.
Meet the Invisible Hands Behind Some of Minnesota's Biggest Billsnew

There are few things lawmakers like talking about less than the lobbyists they work with on a daily basis. This despite the fact that lobbyists write 90 percent of bills, clue legislators in on what backlash they can expect, and prep lawmakers on minutiae they don't have time to ponder.
City Pages (Twin Cities) |
Matt Snyders |
01-20-2010 |
Emily's Post: Every Time WMC Rears its Head, a Lobbyist Gets His Paychecknew
Why are we still listening to anything Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce has to say? The right-leaning business lobbying group spent a lot of money to thoroughly destroy any credibility it may have had by helping to elect two under-qualified and deeply compromised justices to the state Supreme Court.
Isthmus |
Emily Mills |
01-11-2010 |
It Looks Like Big Pharma and the Health Insurers Will Win on Health Care ... Againnew
For the past 35 years, whenever Congress has ventured into health-care reform in response to public demand the big winners have almost always been the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries, and it will almost certainly be that way again. The massive spending against health reform legislation in every media market the past month, on top of the relentless tide of lobbying and campaign expenditures over the decade, guaranteed it.
Arkansas Times |
Ernest Dumas |
08-20-2009 |
How Oregon's Largest Teachers Union Helped Shape Charter Schools Billnew
Online charter school supporters have obtained emails between a lobbyist for the state's teachers union and an Oregon Department of Education staff attorney. Those emails, they say, show that the lawyer for the ostensibly neutral state agency tinkered with a bill to serve the union's interests and contradicted written instructions from Oregon State Board of Education chairman Duncan Wyse.
Willamette Week |
Nigel Jaquiss |
06-17-2009 |
The Mutual Benefits Fallout for South Florida Politicians Is Still Comingnew
The practice of legislators recommending lobbyists is odious. They are supposed to be agents of the people, not lobbyists for lobbyists.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Bob Norman |
02-03-2009 |
Advice for the President-Electnew
Barack Obama needs to learn a lesson from the GOP -- and realize that political winds can change at a moment's notice.
Tucson Weekly |
Tom Danehy |
11-06-2008 |
John McCain's 'Old Boys' Network' is Well-Connectednew
On the campaign trail, McCain has been promising to take on the "old boys' network," first in Washington, and now on Wall Street. But as Obama countered, that would be like calling a "staff meeting" of McCain's campaign. Indeed.
Shepherd Express |
Lisa Kaiser |
09-26-2008 |
Big Oil Dominates the GOP, Especially in Palin's Alaskanew

The longer we discuss Sarah Palin's uterus, the more likely it is that American politics will remain distracted from the central issue of this election: whether the lords of oil will continue to control the United States as surely as they control Alaska.
Artvoice |
Bruce Fisher |
09-15-2008 |
Lobbyists and Corporate Money Fuel the Other DNCnew
It could be said that the national conventions function as a microcosm of our political system: the party elite gather inside the big building publicly to take action, separated from the citizenry by security guards and apathy, while special interests vie for their favor beyond the cameras of network news. And all the American public knows is what it sees on television.
Boulder Weekly |
Pamela White |
09-02-2008 |
Lobbyists Woo Oregon Delegages in Denvernew
Maybe the change we’re all supposed to believe in is that lobbyists are OK, provided they’re Democrats who represent progressive causes.
Willamette Week |
Nigel Jaquiss |
08-27-2008 |
Texas $ At Work (For Republicans)new
What did Texas Gov. Rick Perry get for $1.1 million?
San Antonio Current |
Aaron Block |
04-05-2006 |
Tags: corruption, lobbyists