AltWeeklies Wire
Fear of the Queer: Blacks in Florida Vote to Oppress Gaysnew

It's one of the great paradoxes in American politics. The black community, the most oppressed group in U.S. history, has traditionally comprised the most unfriendly demographic toward gays, arguably the second-most-discriminated-against group.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Bob Norman |
11-18-2008 |
Obama Wins, and So Does South Floridanew
It's a victory just to have an election pass without a local embarrassment.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Staff |
11-11-2008 |
Florida Green Party Candidates Were GOP Moles, Suit Claimsnew
Five Green Party candidates ran similarly mysterious campaigns this year in hotly contested races around Florida. All five indicated on financial disclosure forms that they loaned themselves money, even though most of them were broke. Few of them were willing to speak to the press or to representatives of their own party.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Eric Barton |
11-04-2008 |
If Bill Ayers is a Terrorist, Then So Am Inew
Spending a weekend with an accused domestic terrorist shows what kind of guy he is.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Jonathan Cunningham |
11-04-2008 |
Roller Jam: Every Night is '80s Night at South Florida Roller Rinksnew
There used to be about a dozen rinks down here filled with skaters every day of the week; I know because I used to be one of those skaters. Only a handful of rinks remains. Likewise, only a fraction of us who used to roll in this uniquely South Florida fashion, to tunes recorded here, still hit the rinks.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Amy Guthrie |
10-15-2008 |
One Schlepper Talks About Visiting Her Grandma in Floridanew
Across the country, young Jews are heeding comedian Sarah Silverman's call to have a political pep-talk with their grandparents in Florida. The message is: Don't let bubbe and zaideh vote McCain. Becky Gluskin, a 26-year-old PhD candidate from Manhattan, tells us how her weekend visit to 80-something-year-old grandma Helen swayed one more vote to Obama.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Amy Guthrie |
10-15-2008 |
New Anthology Resurrects One of South Florida's Most Revered Rockersnew
The case of Charlie Pickett is one of rock 'n' roll's classic stories of almost-was.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Lee Zimmerman |
10-07-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Blues Hound Bobby 'Blue' Bland Walks Straightnew
Like most old-school R&B guys, the word retirement doesn't mean much to the 78-year-old blues legend.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Jonathan Cunningham |
10-07-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: blues, Bobby 'Blue' Bland
Invasion of the Amazon Womennew

Four Miami-area Amazons hold private fetish sessions for up to $500 an hour. They work both interdependently and collaboratively, and most are avid bodybuilders, strong enough to lift a midsize man above their heads. Usually, clients request the same things: trampling, overhead pressing, lifting and carrying, and/or wrestling.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Natalie O'Neill |
10-06-2008 |
Trash Haulers and Pols Care About Only One Kind of Greennew

The trash hauler in Broward County gets richer by not recycling recyclable materials, and if you believe the environmentalists, the campaign coffers of elected officials get richer by not demanding that the hauler recycle.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Thomas Francis |
09-30-2008 |
There's Genius Below the Gross-Out Surface of 'Live at the Platypussery'new
The fact that Blowfly (born Clarence Reid) likes to rap about wet pussy, old pussy, fat pussy, and smelly pussy is not news. What's clever, however, is the way Blowfly takes already established standards on this disc and turns them into his own freaky-deaky platforms.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Jonathan Cunningham |
09-30-2008 |
Tags: Blowfly, Live at the Platypussery
The Real Girlfriend Experience: My Hooker Romancenew

Call it some sort of half-baked sociological experiment: What happens when you take a hooker on a regular date? What happens when you share a walk on the beach or a piece of pizza instead of, oh, something that ends in job?
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Michael J. Mooney |
09-23-2008 |
We Get the Skinny on Wasilla from Someone Who Knowsnew

In South Florida's very midst lives a transplant who hails from the celebrated town of Wasilla, Alaska. He was kind enough to tell us everything we ever wanted to know about Wasilla.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Deirdra Funcheon |
09-16-2008 |
Toy Soldiers Play War Games with Almost-Real Assault Weaponsnew

Airsoft aficionados realize that key aspects that attract them to the sport -- weapons that look, feel, and even shoot like genuine combat arms and military role-play that peaceniks might say glorifies violence -- frighten a big segment of the general population.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Amy Guthrie |
09-16-2008 |
Cover Band Panic Disorder Finally Releases an Album of Originalsnew
The band has been grinding away three nights a week for the past two years, trying to make a name for itself — though the reality is that cover gigs are what pay the bills.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Jonathan Cunningham |
09-09-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews