AltWeeklies Wire

Praying East in West Phillynew

Meet the two mosques transforming a neighborhood.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Daniel Denvir  |  08-19-2011  |  Religion

John Grooms vs. a jerk from Operation Save Americanew

Passion is double-edged. It leads us to act nobly in pursuit of positive, uplifting goals; and it can make us act like idiots.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte)  |  John Grooms  |  08-09-2011  |  Religion

What’s a Little Hate Among Friends?new

Gov. Rick Perry is promoting a prayer assembly on Aug. 6 at Reliant Stadium in Houston. How commendable! And pious! Just tell Static where to kneel! After all, Perry asked everybody to pray for rain during this summer’s wildfires and, well, you’re not on fire, are you?
Fort Worth Weekly  |  Staff  |  07-13-2011  |  Religion

How I Walked 500 Miles and Got My Soul Cleansednew

Right now, I could murder that little old lady in the confessional.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jon Santiago  |  07-07-2011  |  Religion

Is the Apocalypse Coming? Is it Something We Did?new

We talk to religious leaders and find out if God is unleashing His wrath upon us.
Metro Pulse  |  Cari Wade Gervin  |  07-06-2011  |  Religion

S.C. Evangelical Activist Group to Launch News Hubnew

The Family Research Council has decided that they want to enter into the world of online news. "There is so much out there," says Orin Smith, president of the Palmetto Family Council. "I think maybe what our goal might be is to provide some type of Google Reader site for our people who donate to us and follow us so they don't have to follow everything."
Charleston City Paper  |  Chris Haire  |  06-24-2011  |  Religion

Cooling the Rhetoricnew

Jim Daly and James Dobson certainly bring different approaches to Focus on the Family's work, and it's perhaps most obvious when you see their words side-by-side.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  J. Adrian Stanley  |  06-10-2011  |  Religion

Dinos and Centsnew

Kentucky OKs tax breaks for controversial biblical theme park.
LEO Weekly  |  Jonathan Meador  |  05-26-2011  |  Religion

Inside Westboronew

At Westboro Baptist Church, Steve Drain found religion but lost a daughter.
The Pitch  |  Justin Kendall  |  05-23-2011  |  Religion

There Were Nine Days Leftnew

Storming New York with Harold Camping's Rapture warriors.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Faraone  |  05-19-2011  |  Religion

The End is Near!new

The Rapture is supposed to happen May 21, 2011--according to one guy and his believers. Others say he's, well, misguided.
Chico News & Review  |  Jerry Olenyn  |  05-19-2011  |  Religion

May 21: A Bad Rapturenew

Marie Exley-Sheahan, one not-really-local believer, preps for a big weekend.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Chet Hardin  |  05-19-2011  |  Religion

The Anti-Rapturenew

Oakland atheists brace for Judgment Day.
East Bay Express  |  Rachel Swan  |  05-18-2011  |  Religion

The Muslim Springnew

In death, can Osama bin Laden finally help those whose faith he tarnished? Nashville-area mosques plagued by vandalism and anti-Muslim sentiment respond to the killing of Osama bin Laden.
Nashville Scene  |  Stephen George  |  05-06-2011  |  Religion

God, the Gunman and Jeanne Assamnew

A look at why, even in her new life miles away from Colorado Springs, the security guard-turned-reluctant-celebrity still has to address New Life Church.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Kirsten Akens  |  03-04-2011  |  Religion

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