AltWeeklies Wire

Working the Phones Against DOMAnew

Meanwhile, four Wake County Commissioners do an awful thing.
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  02-27-2012  |  LGBT

Remembering the Lessons of Harvey Milknew

As the 30th anniversary of his assassination approached last week, coupled with the opening of the new Sean Penn biopic on his life, it became clear that the lessons of Milk are being lost to the newest generation of the LGBT community.
INDY Week  |  Steven Petrow  |  12-11-2008  |  LGBT

Where's the Justice for the GLBT Community?new

How many times this past week have we read -- in regard to Barack Obama's historic victory, or in reference to the passage of the anti-gay measures -- that "the long arc of history bends towards justice." This always sounds patronizing to me, like, "There, there, young fellow. Everything will be just fine. You just wait."
INDY Week  |  Steven Petrow  |  11-13-2008  |  LGBT

U.S. Law Sends Some Bi-National Same-Sex Couples into Exilenew

Though our immigration policies purportedly are based on the principle of family unification, they do not recognize bi-national same-sex couples as families. That means American citizens who are gay don't have the same rights as other citizens to sponsor their foreign partners or families for immigration.
INDY Week  |  Merrill Wolf  |  09-18-2008  |  LGBT

They Shoot Gays, Don't They?new

Despite recent advances, the LGBT community must realize that our collective work is far from done, not only on the marriage issue, but also when it comes to fairness and equality for LGBT people in so many other areas: custody cases, employment discrimination, school protections, asylum cases, as well as anti-bullying protections and hate crimes.
INDY Week  |  Steven Petrow  |  06-25-2008  |  LGBT

Inside Larry Craig's Closetnew

At some point in my 20s, I chose to come out completely and, at the same time, to forgo any thought of a political career. Sadly, my decision seemed that binary -- I wonder if that's what Sen. Craig struggled with in his youth.
INDY Week  |  Steven Petrow  |  09-20-2007  |  LGBT

AIDS Activists Dissed at N.C. Statenew

Homophobic comments fuel campus debate over tolerance.
INDY Week  |  Mike Alberti  |  07-26-2007  |  LGBT

Making it Legalnew

With gay marriage still far off, there are steps same-sex couples can take to get similar legal protections -- but you'll probably need an attorney.
INDY Week  |  Jim Baxter  |  09-28-2006  |  LGBT

The Gayby Boom: Gay Families with Kids on the Risenew

The number of gay and lesbian couples with children is growing rapidly, but parents must create a legal patchwork to protect their children. Luckily, studies say, the kids are all right.
INDY Week  |  Fiona Morgan  |  06-21-2004  |  LGBT

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