AltWeeklies Wire
Revisiting South Carolina's Political Dynastiesnew
We did a story last spring following Carroll Campbell's early challenge to Congressman Henry Brown, looking at the electoral fortunes of the sons of South Carolina's political dynasties. With Paul Thurmond now weighing a congressional run, we thought we'd revisit the piece.
Charleston City Paper |
Greg Hambrick |
01-06-2010 |
Conservatives Need to Leave Afghanistan & the Neocons Behindnew
Now is the time to make the case that American soldiers shouldn't be the world's policeman, liberal utopianism is not sound foreign policy, and nation-building is not conservative. George Will has and serious conservatives should follow suit.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
09-09-2009 |
No Lie is Too Big in the War Against Health Care Reformnew
I don't know of any peacetime campaign that has relied as extensively on lies, deceit, obfuscation, and fear as the Republican campaign to defeat healthcare reform in this country.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
08-19-2009 |
The Sanford Scandal: The Political Winners and Losersnew
As dust settles on the mountainous trails of metropolitan Buenos Aires, we take a look at who benefits and who loses out in the Mark Sanford scandal.
Charleston City Paper |
Greg Hambrick |
07-22-2009 |
Mark Sanford Must Gonew
The governor's true sin was being an idiot.
Charleston City Paper |
Staff |
07-01-2009 |
Sanford's Story is the Greatest Since Secessionnew
South Carolina falls victim to another huckster.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
07-01-2009 |
Sanford Biopic 'The Earth Moved' is a Sexy Affairnew
Not only can Twitter topple regimes and replace newspapers, but it can see into the future. And thanks to Twitter, we now have a review of The Earth Moved, a sexy film about the love affair between S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford and his soulmate Maria.
Charleston City Paper |
Chris Haire |
07-01-2009 |
Mark Sanford: The Conservative Hero That Could Have Beennew
When Gov. Mark Sanford went disappeared last week, I wasn't worried about it, knowing that he was one of the few politicians who would never let me down. Then Sanford was "found," and I was let down.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
07-01-2009 |
Mark Sanford's Fight for Conservatism Means Fighting the GOPnew
The state legislature that created S.C.'s current economic woes are the same leaders who are now saying Gov. Mark Sanford is the problem, as if a more cooperative gubernatorial extension of themselves would be preferable and somehow produce different, better results.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
05-27-2009 |
Tags: Mark Sanford, conservatism
Robert Ford Takes a Step Forward for African Americansnew
While the conventional wisdom may be to dismiss Sen. Robert Ford's candidacy for South Carolina governor as some sort of publicity stunt, the surrealism of the recent inauguration has prompted me to view it as something different, the latest best chance to get more black South Carolinians engaged in state politics.
Charleston City Paper |
Dwayne Green |
01-28-2009 |
Tags: 2010 state elections, Robert Ford
The Hypocrisy of the American Pro-Life Movementnew
For pro-lifers to consistently and enthusiastically vote for leaders whose foreign policies will admittedly lead to the deaths of thousands of civilians — women, children, babies — in order to achieve political objectives is something I cannot understand.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
01-28-2009 |
Is Clay Middleton the Future of the S.C. Democratic Party?new
Clay Middleton and Barack Obama have a number of things in common. They have each lost elections — Obama in a race for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000, Middleton in a bid for S.C. House of Representatives this past June. Both men are policy wonks, comfortable with the nuts and bolts of organizing and campaigning.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
12-10-2008 |
Democrats Get Their Reagan in Obamanew
Not since John F. Kennedy has a Democratic figure energized his party to such a degree. No doubt, Democrats favored Obama's policies over the Republicans, but for most supporters, their choice for president was primarily a matter of the heart.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
11-13-2008 |
Preventing Another 9/11 Means the U.S. Must Reverse Coursenew
The notion that fighting terrorism overseas is the only way to prevent it from happening at home is worse than wrong -- it's the exact opposite
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
09-18-2008 |
Will White Voters Abandon Obama in November?new
Some of the white supporters I've spoken with seem to think supporting Obama's campaign is fashionable. They seem to think it's cool to portray an image that embraces black people and black culture. Unfortunately such motivations usually aren't sufficient enough to get folks to go to the polls and cast their ballots for a candidate.
Charleston City Paper |
Barney Blakeney |
09-18-2008 |