AltWeeklies Wire
Elizabeth Edwards: She Was One Of Usnew

The day after she died, someone posted a newspaper article about Elizabeth Edwards on a progressive political blog and added this one-sentence introduction: "When all is said and done," it read, "she was one of us."
INDY Week |
Bob Geary |
12-15-2010 |
Tags: Elizabeth Edwards
Still Waiting for Leftynew

Last week, after 22 years, I left the Democratic Party.
INDY Week |
David Fellerath |
11-12-2010 |
Tags: DNC
The Tea Party is Steeped in Angernew
Steeped in anger, its members live in a world of paranoia and rumor
INDY Week |
Hal Crowther |
05-06-2010 |
Tags: Tea Party
What the Supreme Court's Decision Means For Younew
Citizens United should not be seen as the death knell of campaign finance reform. Indeed, this decision is so unprecedented and far-reaching that it could be the catalyst that prompts elected officials to start taking money-in-politics reform more seriously.
INDY Week |
Chase Foster |
01-28-2010 |
Ted Kennedy: Awesome and Inspiringnew
Though an invitation-only affair, Kennedy's funeral in the heart of urban Boston was intended for mass consumption -- a fitting contrast for a man who led a privileged life yet fought for the working class and poor.
INDY Week |
Matt SaldaƱa |
09-03-2009 |
Defining the Line Between Free Speech and Hate Speechnew
What is the line between hate speech and free speech? And how should we responsibly and effectively protest against views we roundly despise?
INDY Week |
Daniel H. Pollitt |
04-23-2009 |
What Nov. 4 Meant to Me -- and Americanew
Americans have great cause for celebration, as does the world. As for black folks, in the coming days we shall no doubt see the importance of the election both understated and overstated.
INDY Week |
Derek Jennings |
11-13-2008 |
Dress the Vice Presidential Candidatesnew
Forget the $150,000 that the Republican National Committee spent on Sarah Palin's campaign wardrobe: Now you can dress the veep hopefuls for much, much less, and in styles that best reflect their inner vice president.
INDY Week |
Lisa Sorg |
10-30-2008 |
Joe Biden's Tears Rememberednew
In 1972, after Sen. Joe Biden's wife and child died, I wrote him a note of condolence. That letter is long gone, but not his response to me, which arrived later that winter.
INDY Week |
Steven Petrow |
10-10-2008 |
RNC Protest Arrests: Minneapolis, Meet Beijingnew
Some of the dimmer and, frankly, underreported stories of the Beijing Olympics were those of the political dissidents and protesters who were arrested, detained and shipped away, far from the ostentatious opening ceremonies and cheering crowds. Three weeks later in America at the Republican National Convention, we are seeing a similar disassembling of civil liberties; and unlike the Chinese, we have a Constitution guaranteeing our rights.
INDY Week |
Lisa Sorg |
09-04-2008 |
John McCain, the U.S. and the Latest Russian Crisisnew
If Randy Scheunemann's Georgian connections provide even a scintilla of influence over a potential President McCain's decision on whether we go to war on that country's behalf, that is the very antithesis of democracy. But how many Americans are aware of any of this, as the news gulls continue regurgitating the myth of McCain as the strong and forthright policy expert?
INDY Week |
Derek Jennings |
08-21-2008 |
John Edwards, the Gamblernew
When John Edwards finally confirmed that he had stepped out on his wife, initially I was disappointed, but not surprised. Power + overblown ego = misguided sense of invincibility & lack of caring for others. As for Elizabeth Edwards, I thought, Jesus, hasn't she been through enough.
INDY Week |
Lisa Sorg |
08-14-2008 |
White Denial: Obama, Race and America's Selective Memorynew

Obama's election would be a stunning step forward. John McCain's election would be a stunning step backward, at a time when America can ill afford another false step. What's wrong with Obama? Not much that I can see, not compared to what's wrong with you if you think his election is a threatening proposition.
INDY Week |
Hal Crowther |
07-31-2008 |
This Week's Rejected New Yorker Coversnew
A political cartoon spoofing the New Yorker cover flap.
INDY Week |
V.C. Rogers |
07-17-2008 |
Election '08: The McHelms Campaignnew

If you thought a "McBush" presidency was frightening, look at the connections between John McCain and Jesse Helms. A McHelms administration? Get thee to the passport office.
INDY Week |
Lisa Sorg |
07-17-2008 |