AltWeeklies Wire

From These Tiny Grainsnew

The Kneading Conference gathers the expert and the eager to celebrate and scrutinize bread—and to talk about building community by relocalizing food production.
Metroland  |  Amy Halloran  |  08-03-2012  |  Food+Drink

Eating Locally — Still Goodnew

The five biggest myths people use to discredit the local-food movement ... and why they're wrong.
Gambit  |  Jill Richardson  |  12-12-2011  |  Food+Drink

Loco for Locavore: 9 Ways to Taste the Food of the Futurenew

In a world where big brand mayo companies are pushing their locavore roots, we've got to cut through the noise. To help you freshen up your locavore diet we're feeding you nine freshly-picked ideas that source no further than 100 miles from your front door and grow as close 10 feet from your back steps.
NOW Magazine  |  Adria Vasil  |  04-19-2011  |  Food+Drink

Diet for Climate Change: Eating in the Spirit of Copenhagennew

You may not be able to get to Denmark for the climate talks, but you do have a chance to change a few food habits: It starts with avoiding red meat, processed cereals and tin cans and shopping local.
NOW Magazine  |  Wayne Roberts  |  12-11-2009  |  Food+Drink

Colorado City Debates Allowing Backyard Hens as Interest in Urban Farming Surgesnew

Although it's legal to keep chickens in the city of Boulder and in many other communities along the Front Range and across the country, you're likely to get a citation if you try it in Longmont. But this might soon change, as the city is scrambling to review and perhaps change its codes in response to citizen demand.
Boulder Weekly  |  Pamela White  |  11-17-2008  |  Food+Drink

Meal Cricket: Notes On Eating Our Six-Legged Friendsnew

If I'm going to be serious about reducing my impact on the earth, I've got to reconcile my own voracious appetite for protein with the impossibility of either beheading my own chickens or farming my own soybeans. That's why I started thinking about eating bugs. With recipe for Henry's Cricket Stir-Fry.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Violet Glaze  |  10-28-2008  |  Food+Drink

One Man's Attempt at Slow Food Livingnew

I wanted to see if I could eat food grown or raised within 100 miles of where I live for a week straight -- consume only that and nothing else.
Dallas Observer  |  Jesse Hyde  |  09-29-2008  |  Food+Drink

A Gelato Master Branches Out with Her Own Line of Artisanal Preservesnew

Originally from the Bay Area, Janina A. Larenas picked up canning as a hobby from an ex-boyfriend's mother. It was never the plan to become an Alice Waters-brand artisan -- but that she did, creating Little Isobel, her own line of locally sourced seasonal jams.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Felicia D'Ambrosio  |  04-15-2008  |  Food+Drink

Diary of a Locavorenew

Is it possible to eat nothing but local food in a New Mexico winter?
Weekly Alibi  |  Christie Chisholm  |  03-11-2008  |  Food+Drink

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