AltWeeklies Wire
Nicolas Cage and Werner Herzog Talk 'Bad Lieutenant'new
When the news broke at Cannes last year that Nicolas Cage and Werner Herzog were remaking Abel Ferrara's Bad Lieutenant, everyone thought it was a joke. But less than a year and a half later, their movie touched down in Toronto and turned into the festival's biggest surprise.
NOW Magazine |
Norman Wilner |
11-23-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Morgan Freeman Talks About 'Prom Night in Mississippi'new
Prom Night is Paul Saltzman's documentary about Freeman's 2008 efforts to integrate the high school prom in his hometown of Charleston. Black and white students had historically held separate events. Freeman proposed a single, integrated prom, which he would pay for himself.
NOW Magazine |
Norman Wilner |
11-16-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Matt Austin Sadowski Says John Hughes' Death Gives His Doc a Different Lifenew

Hughes' death at age 59 earlier this summer casts a pall over Don't You Forget About Me: A Tribute to John Hughes, which combines clips from Hughes' high school movies with contemporary interviews with the filmmaker's colleagues and boosters like Roger Ebert.
NOW Magazine |
Norman Wilner |
11-02-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Drew Barrymore Skates to Directorial Success in 'Whip It'new
She's been easy to stereotype -- blond and unbearably cute. But the endearing scion of Hollywood royalty and now queen of the rom-com can no longer be dismissed as just a people-pleasing personality.
NOW Magazine |
Susan G. Cole |
09-14-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Whip It, Drew Barrymore
Catherine Hardwick Tackles 'Twilight'new
Director of teen-friendly vampire romance fights for respect from Hollywood boys' club.
NOW Magazine |
Susan G. Cole |
11-24-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Elizabeth Banks Has the Balls to Play the First Lady and a Porn Novicenew

The self-professed "guy's girl" swears like a trucker and can talk about her vagina.
NOW Magazine |
Radheyan Simonpillai |
11-03-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Guy Ritchie Refuses to be Swept Awaynew

Ritchie's got some pair, and I'm not talking about the cojones it takes to play Mr. Madonna to a world-class ball breaker.
NOW Magazine |
Barrett Hooper |
10-14-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Guy Ritchie, RocknRolla
Director Steven Sebring's Link to Eclectic Rocker Patti Smith Pays Offnew
Dream of Life is not your typical rockumentary. But then again, its subject, Patti Smith, is not your typical rocker.
NOW Magazine |
Susan G. Cole |
09-29-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Steven Sebring, Dream of Life
Why It was Hard to Keep a Straight Face on the 'Ghost Town' Setnew
Ricky Gervais and Greg Kinnear sit down next to each other in a hotel room at the Four Seasons, surrounded by journalists, and within 10 seconds it's like Kinnear has vanished.
NOW Magazine |
Norman Wilner |
09-22-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Ghost Town, David Koepp
Anne Hathaway Gets Even Smarter in 'Rachel Getting Married'new
Hathaway may be only 25, but she's smart enough not to burn her bridges in Hollywood.
NOW Magazine |
Susan G. Cole |
09-08-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
The Daily Show Stars Samantha Bee and Jason Jones Click in 'Coopers' Camera'new

The transplanted Canadian couple, who've established themselves recently as two of Jon Stewart's more fearless correspondents, will be coming home next week for the world premiere of their new movie, Coopers' Camera, at the Toronto International Film Festival.
NOW Magazine |
Norman Wilner |
09-02-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
'A Jihad For Love' Director Parvez Sharma Speaks His Mindnew

In his impressive documentary, queers from many different countries embrace both Islam and their sexuality, and that creates a fascinating tension.
NOW Magazine |
Susan G. Cole |
07-21-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Likeable Kevin Costner Fields Dreams in 'Swing Vote'new

After saving the human race in Waterworld and restoring America's sense of hope in The Postman, Costner is once again the most important man in the free world.
NOW Magazine |
Norman Wilner |
07-07-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
The Filmmakers of 'Metal: A Headbanger's Journey' Continue on Their Questnew

Globe-trotting from South America to the Middle East and even China to document heavy metal’s impact around the world, Sam Dunn and Scot McFadyen learned a thing or two about getting in and out of sticky situations with the footage they needed.
NOW Magazine |
Evan Davies |
06-23-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Jeremy Podeswa Adds A Personal Touch to 'Fugitive Pieces'new

Like Jakob Beer, the hero of Anne Michaels's novel, Fugitive Pieces, Podeswa's father is Polish and survived the war.
NOW Magazine |
Deidre Swain |
05-02-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews