AltWeeklies Wire

Arts on the Gulfnew

Silvery, coppery structures twist among old live oak trees near the shore of the Mississippi Sound, close to where the Biloxi Schoon­er docks. This is the site of the Ohr-O'Keefe Museum of Art, a complex of buildings that includes four metallic pods that torque like ancient, hurricane-battered trees.
Jackson Free Press  |  Valerie Wells  |  05-24-2012  |  Art

The Pejorative Reportnew

It's not just the Rush Limbaughs who use language to degrade and insult. As politicians throw around emotionally packed words on the attack, some journalists wind up repeating them.
Jackson Free Press  |  Valerie Wells  |  04-06-2012  |  Media

How Local Business Stops the Brain Drainnew

It is no coincidence that the "cool" cities where young workers want to live are filled with vibrant communities of locally owned businesses where they can hang out even if they're paying their dues in a boring workplace.
Jackson Free Press  |  Valerie Wells  |  04-05-2012  |  Business & Labor

Feeding the 'Cradle-to-Prison' Pipelinenew

Of all the things that criminalize a child, zero-tolerance policies in schools might be the worst.
Jackson Free Press  |  Valerie Wells  |  01-19-2012  |  Education

How Mississippians Defeated Personhoodnew

Grassroots activists used social media and homegrown outspokenness to stop an extreme anti-abortion measure on the ballot.
Jackson Free Press  |  Valerie Wells  |  11-28-2011  |  Elections

Grassroots Mamas: ‘We Did It!’new

Just before 10 p.m. last night, Lori Gregory Garrott ran out of her Fondren home, stood on the front lawn and looked around before shouting, "We just won!" She yelled again, louder: "We just won!" The co-founder of Parents Against 26 had to tell the night sky a third time that Mississippi grassroots mamas defeated the Personhood Initiative.
Jackson Free Press  |  Valerie Wells  |  11-09-2011  |  Elections

Personhood: A Pandora’s Boxnew

Mississippi's Personhood Initiative is short: "Should the term 'person' be defined to include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning, or the equivalent thereof?" Legal and medical experts say the vague language could lead to chaos for women and families.
Jackson Free Press  |  Valerie Wells  |  11-03-2011  |  Policy Issues

News Wars: The Rise and Fall of The Clarion-Ledgernew

The Gannett-owned daily newspaper in Jackson, Miss., went from a racist rag to a Pulitzer winner in 1983. In the past 20 years, it's become a corporate paper that doesn't understand its readers.
Jackson Free Press  |  Valerie Wells  |  09-08-2011  |  Media

Engineering Whimsynew

The Mississippi Museum of Art will open a public green space in downtown Jackson called the Art Garden.
Jackson Free Press  |  Valerie Wells  |  08-25-2011  |  Art

Saving Mississippi Public Broadcastingnew

Gov. Haley Barbour told Mississippi Public Broadcasting to come up with a plan to be self-sufficient in five years. Can the network survive without state funding?
Jackson Free Press  |  Valerie Wells  |  05-06-2011  |  Media

Rush to Judgment: The Dubious Trend of Trying Kids As Adultsnew

Since the 1980s, thousands of kids in Mississippi have been tried as adults, and hundreds are serving time in the adult system.
Jackson Free Press  |  Valerie Wells and Donna Ladd  |  12-03-2010  |  Crime & Justice

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