AltWeeklies Wire

British Scholar Peter Hallward Examines Foreign Meddling in Haitinew

Damming the Flood is a formidably researched account of the 2004 coup that is critical of foreign intervention in Haiti.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  05-30-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

What are the Safety Ramifications of the Bitter Labor Dispute at Petro-Canada?new

A report that says a five-month-long lockout of 260 workers at its Montreal refinery hasn't affected safety came under fire last week from the Parti Quebecois and Canada's largest energy workers union.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  04-18-2008  |  Business & Labor

Quebec Promises to Match Funding Raised for Green Campus Causesnew

The provincial government will match the funds raised by campuses in Quebec -- some $250,000, most of it raised at Concordia -- that were aimed at projects that would reduce carbon emissions.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  04-11-2008  |  Environment

Concordia's Part-Timers Hit the Picket Linenew

After rounds of fruitless negotiations, leaving the faculty without a collective agreement since 2002, members of the part-time faculty union seemed wary but hopeful after the university hastily scheduled two meetings this week to negotiate.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  04-04-2008  |  Education

Juan Cole Says There Are Chills in Today's Ivory Towernew

Outside pressure groups are making work dangerous for scholars, says the historian and prominent blogger.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  11-16-2007  |  Education

Are Chinese Spies at Work in Montreal?new

Potential Beijing 2008 protesters worry about information gathered in Canada.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  10-19-2007  |  International

Googlin' Border Guardsnew

Online searches are new, and problematic, tools in country-crossing.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  07-12-2007  |  Tech

American Paranoia Creeps North with Canada's No-fly Listnew

The no-fly list introduced this month by the Canadian government is a result of "American pressure" and "is not good" for Canadian security services, says a government intelligence official.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  07-02-2007  |  Civil Liberties

Snus for Health: Swedish Chewnew

Imperial Tobacco's new smokeless product divides the industry’s critics.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  05-18-2007  |  International

What to Do When Your Facebook Page Isn't Yoursnew

An old friend had invited me on his network, and as I looked over his list of Facebook contacts, there was another Samer Elatrash who had uploaded a picture of me he found on the web to his profile.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  04-13-2007  |  Tech

Despot, Oil Sheikh, Terroristnew

U.S. author and academic Jack Shaheen's documentary Reel Bad Arabs examines the Hollywood evolution of a stereotype.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  03-23-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Working With Welfarenew

The community group Project Genesis wants Quebec to keep up with inflation.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  03-16-2007  |  Economy

Sex Workers Back in the Shadowsnew

Decriminalization of prostitution isn't on the agenda for the feds or feminist groups.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  03-12-2007  |  Sex

Man Against Magnew

Father for Justice Andy Srougi takes a break from suing lawyers to haul a small Quebec bimonthly to court.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  02-08-2007  |  Media

All the News That's Left to Printnew

Montreal mag Siafu celebrates its first anniversary and prepares to meet its advertisers.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  01-11-2007  |  Media

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