AltWeeklies Wire

Election Night Along North Carolina's I-85new

In the spirit of the late Studs Terkel, I set off on a rainy night to troll the highways of the Carolina Piedmont in search of people who are going about their ordinary business on this most extraordinary evening.
INDY Week  |  David Fellerath  |  11-06-2008  |  Politics

What are the Safety Ramifications of the Bitter Labor Dispute at Petro-Canada?new

A report that says a five-month-long lockout of 260 workers at its Montreal refinery hasn't affected safety came under fire last week from the Parti Quebecois and Canada's largest energy workers union.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  04-18-2008  |  Business & Labor

The Countercultural Christiansnew

Catholic Workers live in voluntary poverty, refuse to incorporate, take the homeless into their homes, and fight for social justice. They turn the left's idea of Christianity on its head -- and shake things up within Catholicism at the same time.
Metroland  |  Miriam Axel-Lute  |  03-11-2005  |  Religion

Workers Compensation Board Softens After 9/11new

New York's Workers Comp Board got less bureaucratic in a hurry after 9/11 -- and some of the changes have stuck.
Metroland  |  David King  |  11-29-2004  |  Policy Issues

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