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Westword  |  David Holthouse  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

New Party Drug Can Be One Bad Tripnew

Hard as it is to believe, the Drug Enforcement Administration treats 2C-B too lightly. A light dosage produces Ecstasy-like effects -- but the threshold between a light dose and a heroic dose is perilously narrow.
Westword  |  David Holthouse  |  02-11-2005  |  Science

Biologist and Environmentalists Clash Over a Mouse's Statusnew

Rob Ramey found that the Preble's jumping mouse, classified as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act in 1998, is no different from a lot of other mice running around. Environmentalists worry about the consequences if his finding prevails.
Westword  |  David Holthouse  |  01-26-2005  |  Environment

Sorority Sisters Don't Let Go Easilynew

A University of Colorado student decided to withdraw her pledge to join Delta Delta Delta. Members of the sorority didn't respond well to being spurned.
Westword  |  David Holthouse  |  12-22-2004  |  Education

911 Call Captures Officer's Questionable Pepper-Sprayingnew

Asking an officer armed with pepper spray for his badge number turned out to be risky business for a Colorado choirboy.
Westword  |  David Holthouse  |  12-07-2004  |  Crime & Justice

Working Girl Makes Good with Upscale Escort Agencynew

Veronika Lake put herself through art school as an escort. At 37, she owns and runs her own agency. "I never made much as an artist," she says, "and who wants to be poor for the rest of their life? I'd rather make a million dollars."
Westword  |  David Holthouse  |  11-17-2004  |  Business & Labor

Items from Luggage Screened at Airports Go Missingnew

Getting home from the airport, David Stark opened his suitcase to find a handwritten red, white and blue notice from the Transportation Security Administration informing him that his bag had been opened and searched. What Stark did not find was the laptop computer he had packed.
Westword  |  David Holthouse  |  11-01-2004  |  Crime & Justice

Homegrown Salesmen Grab a Piece of the Heroin Tradenew

Most whites who sell heroin in downtown Denver fall in the category of gutter punk. They are homeless, semi-homeless or formerly homeless American youths in their teens and early twenties. They act as middlemen to support their own habit.
Westword  |  David Holthouse  |  10-13-2004  |  Crime & Justice

Immigrant Dealers Feed Americans' Hunger for Heroinnew

Most of the heroin dealers in downtown Denver are young Mexican and Central American men. Many of them are selling heroin to pay off thousands of dollars in debt to smugglers who spirited their families into the country.
Westword  |  David Holthouse  |  10-13-2004  |  Crime & Justice

Colorado's Lax Drunk-Driving Laws Sentenced Woman to Deathnew

It wasn't the first time the pickup driver involved in the accident that killed 19-year-old Sonja DeVries was arrested for driving under the influence. It was the eighth.
Westword  |  David Holthouse  |  09-10-2004  |  Crime & Justice

Writer Confronts Man Who Raped Him 26 Years Agonew

At age 7, David Holthouse was raped by the teenage son of his parents' friends. A year ago, he became obsessed with the idea of finding and killing the man who had darkened his childhood, in order to prevent him from harming others.
Westword  |  David Holthouse  |  05-14-2004  |  Sex

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