AltWeeklies Wire

Cry Me a Rivernew

The battle for water in the West is not just about who owns it. It's also about how to keep it clean.
Eugene Weekly  |  Camilla Mortensen  |  12-27-2010  |  Environment

Freshwater Fisticuffs: Warring For Water Rightsnew

Now that logging has slowed to a trickle, will there be water barons crawling out of the woodwork to exploit what might be Oregon’s most valuable resource in an era of climate change?
Eugene Weekly  |  Camilla Mortensen  |  12-09-2010  |  Environment

Boston's Rat Population Explodes Amongst Economic Collapsenew

With more and more foreclosed and abandoned properties making it harder for planners and exterminators to combat pestilence, anecdotal and empirical evidence suggests that Boston's rodent problem is only getting worse.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Faraone  |  11-16-2009  |  Animal Issues

Headlights Combines Electronica, Chamber-Folk and Drone-Popnew

Wildlife feels spacious, with an emphasis on concise melodies and building momentum.
Tucson Weekly  |  Gene Armstrong  |  11-11-2009  |  Reviews

A Peek Inside Boston's So-Called Monkey Collegenew

At Helping Hands, a one-of-a-kind nonprofit school celebrating its 30th anniversary, monkeys train for two to four years before being matched with people nationwide who've experienced spinal-cord injuries or suffer from muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  10-22-2009  |  Culture

Ken Burns Worships America's Spiritual Resource in His Latest Docnew

His PBS 12-hour epic The National Parks: America's Best Idea is a selective chronicle of the evolution of the National Parks system and the changing roles protected lands have played in American culture since Congress validated Yosemite in 1864.
Boston Phoenix  |  Clif Garboden  |  09-24-2009  |  TV

The Lost Cats of Poverty Gulchnew

Felines and their owners struggle to survive along Seattle's wildest corridor.
Seattle Weekly  |  Mike Seely  |  10-14-2008  |  Animal Issues

Only Time Will Tell the Impact of Gustav on Louisiana's Fisheriesnew

Hurricane Gustav smothered our beloved oysters and killed off thousands of fish, but the real impact on Louisiana's lakes, rivers and bayous is just beginning.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  09-18-2008  |  Disasters

How Far Will Montana Go for Healthy Cows?new

The state's livestock industry wants to eradicate brucellosis from Yellowstone, but more than the bison stand in the way.
Missoula Independent  |  Patrick Klemz  |  09-08-2008  |  Animal Issues

Biologist and Environmentalists Clash Over a Mouse's Statusnew

Rob Ramey found that the Preble's jumping mouse, classified as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act in 1998, is no different from a lot of other mice running around. Environmentalists worry about the consequences if his finding prevails.
Westword  |  David Holthouse  |  01-26-2005  |  Environment

Fear of an Indian Toeholdnew

In western Montana, at the 96-year-old National Bison Range, negotiations for a management handover to local tribes will set precedent for public lands all across America.
Missoula Independent  |  Brad Tyer  |  09-16-2004  |  Animal Issues

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