AltWeeklies Wire

A Marathon Night on the Good Ship WFMUnew

It's the second week of an annual drive aimed at keeping Jersey City radio station WFMU in the black, and once again a weekly comedy call-in show has positioned itself as one of the top moneymakers for the nonprofit freeform radio station.
New York Press  |  Brian Heater  |  03-19-2009  |  Media

New Dad Sam Prekop on the Sea and Cake and His Newbornsnew

This is Prekop's first time back on the road since the birth of his twins, and as much as a handful as two newborns surely are, Prekop admits that leaving them behind for a few weeks will be a touch difficult.
New York Press  |  Brian Heater  |  11-06-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Reunited Beachwood Sparks Burn Brighter Than Evernew

Hiatuses, as it turns out, sometimes fade as well, and when your former label asks really nicely whether you'd be interested in getting the old band back together to help celebrate its 20th birthday, those initial catalysts for dissolution sometimes seem less clear.
New York Press  |  Brian Heater  |  09-11-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

American Comics and the Jews that Love Themnew

The most powerful aspect of Jews and American Comics is not Paul Buhle's writing, but rather his selection of work from some of the medium’s most notable creators, which often paints a more complete cross-section of the subject matter than his sometimes-rushed text.
New York Press  |  Brian Heater  |  08-25-2008  |  Nonfiction

Brooklyn's Coolest Lifeguards Say Good-bye to McCarren Poolnew

The sun, alas, is about to set on yet another magical New York City music venue. For the past three summers, New York's largest (and emptiest) pool has been a host to rock bands, slip-and-sliders, dodgeballers and hula-hoopers—a veritable indie-rock wonderland.
New York Press  |  Brian Heater  |  08-25-2008  |  Concerts

Aeroplane Pageant is Beginning to See the Lightnew

This band is a floating pop spectacle.
New York Press  |  Brian Heater  |  07-26-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Spent': The Naked Truthnew

Joe Matt's spent after all that whacking off.
New York Press  |  Brian Heater  |  07-09-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Playing the Fieldnew

On the road with the UK's Field Music.
New York Press  |  Brian Heater  |  03-29-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Through the Uprightsnew

Upright Citizens Brigade and its offshoots keep selling New York City's brand of comedy to the masses.
New York Press  |  Brian Heater  |  11-02-2006  |  Performance

Back to Front(Man)new

Elf Power's Andrew Reiger discusses Jeff Magnum, the reclusive Neutral Milk Hotel frontman.
New York Press  |  Brian Heater  |  04-27-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Author of The Outsiders Leaves the Young Adult Sectionnew

S.E. Hinton's Hawkes Harbor marks her first voyage into the fantastic. The novel about street-tough orphan Jamie Sommers features pirates, jewel smugglers and one extended encounter with a vampire.
New York Press  |  Brian Heater  |  09-24-2004  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

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