AltWeeklies Wire
Holy Terror? Inside the Media's Muddled Thinking on the Fort Hood Shootingsnew

After Nidal Hasan allegedly murdered 13 people at Fort Hood, commentators offered dangerously muddled assessments of what happened and why. Now it's time for a sober look at why Hasan killed -- and what role his Muslim faith might have played.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
11-11-2009 |
How Glenn Beck is Driven by Mormonismnew

A case can be made that Beck is to Mormonism what Father Charles Coughlin was to Catholicism in the 1930s, when the "radio priest" peddled nasty, faith-based opposition to another ambitious Democratic president.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
10-07-2009 |
If Curt Schilling Runs for Senate, Will He Keep His Sports-Media Perch?new
Known for his arm and his mouth, former Red Sox great Curt Schilling is now stretching his legs ... for a possible Senate run for Ted Kennedy's old seat. But he's blaming the media for getting the facts wrong, even though, as a regular contributor to WEEI-AM and, he is the media.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
09-10-2009 |
What's Behind Rupert Murdoch's Paid-Content Push?new

News Corp. head honcho Rupert Murdoch recently announced he'll begin charging for online content at his company's news sites. Is this a desperate move to help the bottom line, or a last-gasp grab at journalistic respectability?
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
08-12-2009 |
ESPN's Odd Double Standard On Sexnew
Sports-media behemoth ESPN rightfully balked when one of its broadcast stars, Erin Andrews, was victimized by a pervert with a video camera, and moved quickly to suppress the footage. But did it apply a double standard when it refused to cover the sexual-assault case of NFL star Ben Roethlisberger?
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
07-29-2009 |
Is Twitter Driving the Ongoing Political Crisis in Iran?new
If the question seems premature, that's because it is: we still don't know how the unrest that followed Iran's contested June 12 presidential election is going to end. But it's already being debated.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
06-24-2009 |
The New York Times Co.'s Baffling 'Globe' Strategynew

On Monday, the Boston Newspaper Guild rejected the Times Co.'s latest contract offer, paving the way for a protracted legal fight. Given the razor-thin margin of defeat, a bit of artful suasion on the part of the Times Co. could have reversed the outcome. Instead, it actually seemed intent on not getting to yes.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
06-10-2009 |
'Boston Globe' Union Balks!new
Will the Globe's biggest union balk at the Times Co.'s offer? Plus, the Christian Science Monitor's quietly successful re-launch, and sportswriter Bill Simmons's GM jones.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam reilly |
05-14-2009 |
'Boston Globe' Lives To Die Another Daynew
Now that the New York Times Company and the Boston Newspaper Guild have agreed to a deal that will keep the Boston Globe alive, the great unanswered question becomes: what, exactly, does the Times Co. plan to do now?
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
05-07-2009 |
Tags: Boston Globe, newspaper industry
Will the 'Boston Globe' Survive?new

It still feels strange to ask the question: local press watchers (including me) have long assumed that the tabloid Boston Herald would die before its bigger, more sophisticated, more popular broadsheet competitor. Not anymore.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
04-30-2009 |
The 'Boston Globe' Crisis Leaves Times Co. Speechlessnew

The Boston Globe usually buries its own woes deep inside the paper, but it played the current union showdown with front-page, above-the-fold headlines on both Saturday and Sunday.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
04-09-2009 |
'Boston Globe' Buyouts Don't Do the Tricknew
Rumors have it that somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 Globe employees (including one Pulitzer winner) accepted management's latest buyout offer. But that won’t be enough to reach management’s goal of 50 fewer positions.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
03-27-2009 |
More Buyouts or Layoffs at the 'Boston Globe'new
The Globe needs 50 buyout volunteers. So far, few are cooperating — and that likely means bloodshed at the paper's Morrissey Boulevard HQ.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
02-26-2009 |
Tags: media, Boston Globe
Censoring Obama Hate-Speechnew

Free speech collides with hate speech when the anti-Obama talk turns ugly, but the rabid right has been holding its venomous tongue lately. Is Obama-phobia a thing of the past or just on hiatus? And what should be done about it?
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
01-16-2009 |
The Year in Media Malfeasancenew

Thanks to the combination of a) the presidential race, and b) the ongoing immolation of the nation's newspaper industry -- there was a veritable cornucopia of media low points to enjoy in the bygone year.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
12-29-2008 |