AltWeeklies Wire

Fighting for Fair Tradenew

Nucor Steel represents a concrete example of how "free" trade is ruining American manufacturing.
Jackson Free Press  |  Adam Lynch  |  08-20-2006  |  Economy

The Right to Speak Outnew

The Jackson Fire Department has suspended five firefighters, including the union president, for speaking to us about safety concerns -- now Mayor Frank Melton says he may fire them.
Jackson Free Press  |  Brian Johnson and Adam Lynch  |  08-16-2006  |  Civil Liberties

Choicers and Lifers Agreenew

As the latest abortion protests wind down in Jackson, the two sides can agree on only one thing: Jackson Police were out of hand, and the city has no coherent policy on demonstrations.
Jackson Free Press  |  Adam Lynch  |  07-28-2006  |  Sex

Melton Targets Homeless Peoplenew

Jackson Mayor Frank Melton extended his state of emergency on crime to include a curfew on homeless people -- advocates for the homeless are enraged.
Jackson Free Press  |  Adam Lynch  |  07-20-2006  |  Civil Liberties

JPD Under Fire in Abortion Clashnew

With a week of protests underway by Operation Save America, and hundreds of abortion-rights advocates marching in counter-protest, Jackson police are under fire for draconian permit policies and arrests.
Jackson Free Press  |  Adam Lynch and Donna Ladd  |  07-20-2006  |  Sex

Fantasy Islandnew

Developers in Jackson are atwitter over a proposal to dam the Pearl River and inundate its floodplain for the sake of real estate developers -- but is it worth the financial and environmental cost?
Jackson Free Press  |  Adam Lynch  |  05-25-2006  |  Housing & Development

Bellsouth Looting Competitors?new

As hurricane victims in Biloxi, Miss., move to reassemble their lives, phone corporation Bellsouth moves in to dominate the area by bullying customers.
Jackson Free Press  |  Adam Lynch  |  11-03-2005  |  Disasters

Paradise Lostnew

Strangely, it wasn’t the hurricane itself that tore down the life and family of Daniel Dotta. It was the clean-up crew that came along behind it. With hard work and sacrifice, Dotta and his family had been creeping their way up the economic ladder. But then along came Cesar Flores Nunez.
Jackson Free Press  |  Adam Lynch  |  10-20-2005  |  Immigration

Gone With the Windnew

Three weeks after Hurricane Katrina, Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood unleashed a storm of his own by announcing a civil action against some members of the insurance industry, declaring that provisions excluding flood damage from the policies of hurricane victims are void and unenforceable.
Jackson Free Press  |  Adam Lynch  |  09-22-2005  |  Disasters

The New Gasnew

The high price of gasoline is starting to make alternative fuels look better. Meet Biodiesel, a simple derivative of vegetable oil, ethanol and lye that can be brewed in a backyard still.
Jackson Free Press  |  Adam Lynch  |  09-15-2005  |  Environment

Mayor Changes Story, Admits Leaknew

Soon after taking office, the new mayor of Jackson, Miss., changed sworn testimony, now admitting that he leaked a document to the city's Gannett-owned daily when he was head of the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics.
Jackson Free Press  |  Adam Lynch  |  07-24-2005  |  Media

Gas Price Hell: Is the End Drawing Nigh?new

The skyrocketing price of gas may mean worse things than you think.
Jackson Free Press  |  Adam Lynch  |  05-12-2005  |  Business & Labor

State Behaving Badlynew

Families of prisoners, and the ACLU, are alleging that the state is still abusing incarcerated citizens, more than 30 years after Mississippi’s prison system was declared unconstitutional.
Jackson Free Press  |  Adam Lynch  |  10-29-2004  |  Crime & Justice

It's Hard Being Greennew

George W. Bush’s War on Nature kicked off early in his presidential career, and he is accused of hundreds of environmental infringements. John Kerry is the polar opposite. When it comes to tree-hugging, he hasn't been a flip-flopper.
Jackson Free Press  |  Adam Lynch  |  10-15-2004  |  Commentary

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