AltWeeklies Wire

Fish Consumption Warnings and Environmental Justicenew

People of color eat a lot of locally caught fish for economic and cultural reasons. But nationwide, efforts to warn anglers fail to reach many minority and low-income populations.
NUVO  |  Environmental Health News  |  09-25-2012  |  Civil Liberties

What's the Plan for Those Feel-good Light Bulbs Poisoning Portland's Water?new

If you’re feeling all environmentally conscious about buying compact fluorescent light bulbs, check yourself.
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  12-04-2009  |  Environment

Bush's Radical Agenda: Bobby Kennedy Jr. Takes On Dirty Airnew

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a leading environmental attorney, speaks out on how White House air quality policies are responsible for the deaths of 30,000 Americans each year; and how 630,000 U.S. children are born each year exposed to dangerous mercury levels in the womb.
Eugene Weekly  |  Ted Taylor  |  10-06-2004  |  Environment

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