AltWeeklies Wire
Legally Bannednew
The secret complaints and controversial characters behind the firing of Loveland High School's drama instructor.
Cincinnati CityBeat |
Danny Cross |
03-06-2013 |
A Cultural Manifesto: Legacy of the Black Panthersnew
A Cultural Manifesto recognizes the legacy of the Black Panthers in music.
Kyle Long |
04-05-2012 |
Profiles & Interviews
Lion's Dennew
Documentary film A Lion in the House is an unflinching portrait of pediatric illness and adversity.
L.A. Weekly |
Ella Taylor |
06-15-2006 |
A Grand Tour of Midwest Summer Art Showsnew
This season's exhibits include a collection of outsider art and Art Brut at Buffalo Forum in Milwaukee, and a show of dead human bodies that have undergone a “plastination” process at the Great Lakes Science Center in Cleveland.
Metro Times |
Nolan Simon and Rebecca Mazzel |
07-15-2005 |
Tags: Cincinnati, 4 Under 40: Contemporary Michigan Artists, American Science and Surplus, and the Great Lakes Science Center’s Bodyworlds, Art Institute of Chicago show, Arts Center, Cleveland Museum of Art, Contemporary, CUT/Film as Found Object, Dan Flavin: A Retrospective, Grand Rapids Art Museum, Michaël Borremans: Hallucination and Reality, Milwaukee Art Museum, Multiple Strategies, Museum of Contemporary Art, Museum of Contemporary Art’s great show, Out There: Landscape in the New Millennium, Toledo Museum of Art, Toulouse-Lautrec and Montmartre, with current art world darling Olafur Eliasson
Playing Doctor: A Physician Practices Based on Questionable Claimsnew
Lying on a résumé isn't a crime -- except when a doctor does it. Luckily for Edward Patrick, who may have never done the residency he claims, the Ohio Medical Board is forgiving.
Cleveland Scene |
Thomas Francis |
11-02-2004 |
Out of Africanew
Referencing the works of Marcus Garvey, Gil Scott Heron, and Carter G. Wilson, the Ghana-born rapper doesn't speak of black power so much as unleash it, venting on everything from blue-collar students dealing with bad credit to Third World strife.
Cleveland Scene |
Jason Bracelin |
09-07-2004 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Refugees, hip-hop, Ohio, New York City, Cincinnati, Blitz, Kent State, Scribblejam, Soul Rebel
Heimlich's Maneuver: Some of Doctor's Claims Raise Doubtsnew
Henry Heimlich is known as the trailblazing doctor who popularized a technique to help choking victims. But medical experts say he went too far in hawking his procedure as a lifesaver for drowning victims as well.
Cleveland Scene |
Thomas Francis |
08-13-2004 |
Tags: Conspiracy Theory, stalker, Cincinnati, 'acquired narcissistic complex, American Medical Association, American Red Cross, Bob Kraft, CPR, Dr. Edward Patrick. Dr. Jerome Modell, Dr. Gerson Carr, Dr. Joseph Ornato, Holly Martins, Institute of Medicine, Peter Heimlich, the United States Lifesaving Association's board of directors. President Chris Brewster, United States Surgeon General C. Everett Koop,, Health & Science