AltWeeklies Wire

Will the Soda Pop Tax Go National?new

Arkansans already pay it.
Arkansas Times  |  Doug Smith  |  09-04-2009  |  Science

Happytown: Attention, Area Fatasses -- You're Not Alonenew

According to a recent report from the Trust for America's Health, nearly one-quarter of Florida adults are obese, and a third of our children are obese or overweight. What's most depressing about the report is that Florida's about average.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeffery C. Billman and Billy Manes  |  07-16-2009  |  Commentary

If Obesity is a Choice, It's Not One the Poor Get to Makenew

A recent study put grocery prices to the test. Among the 370 foods sampled, it found that energy-dense junk food cost an average of $1.76 per 1,000 calories, while nutritious, unprocessed foods came in at a whopping $18.16 per 1,000 calories.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  05-06-2008  |  Science

The Weighting Game

Is being fat a choice, or is it just the way some people are? Should government pass legislation against obesity, or is that discriminatory? Welcome to the super-sized debate...
The Inlander  |  Cara Gardner  |  05-05-2005  |  Policy Issues

Pacemaker Company Targets Mood Disordersnew

Cyberonics, which has implanted its pacemaker in thousands of epileptics, wants to expand to the depression market. Still needed: an accounting of those who died or were injured after receiving its implant.
Houston Press  |  Craig Malisow  |  04-11-2005  |  Science

Lessons From Frozen Griddlecakenew

Sad, disturbing societal lessons are found in the frozen-foods section.
Tucson Weekly  |  Renee Downing  |  03-24-2005  |  Commentary

Carbolicious Foods Can Fit Into Healthy Dietnew

The Atkins low-carbohydrate diet diminishes appetite, but the rate of recidivism is extraordinarily high. By contrast, a high-carb, low-fat diet does not suppress appetite but still reduces weight in a more sustainable manner.
Syracuse New Times  |  Sam Graceffo, M.D.  |  01-04-2005  |  Science

Fat Chance of Losing Weight Electronicallynew

The AbTronic Electric Fitness System promised consumers they could get “six-pack abs” by using its device, but the Federal Trade Commission found that wasn’t true.
Westword  |  Eric Dexheimer  |  12-07-2004  |  Science

Too Fat!new

Arkansas's got perhaps the skinniest governor and the fattest children in America. One wants to help the other -- and their loss could be his gain.
Arkansas Times  |  Leslie Newell Peacock  |  10-15-2004  |  Science

Editor Slims Down on Atkins Dietnew

Editor Bingo Barnes joined the eating revolution that has overtaken America and lost 31 pounds on the low-carb Atkins diet in nearly three months.
Boise Weekly  |  Bingo Barnes  |  08-07-2004  |  Science

Body-Mass Index Is an Unbalanced Scalenew

One of the most commonly used measurements of total body fat is the body-mass index, which is based on a person's height and weight. But here's the rub: the BMI standards are based on studies done on Caucasians. It isn't so clear what defines "heavy" or "obese" in people who aren't of European descent.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gail Johnson  |  08-06-2004  |  Science

A Fast-Food Fear Factor Puts McDonald's Diet to the Testnew

"Super Size Me" creator Morgan Spurlock recalls the pain and displeasure of a 30-day McDonald’s binge
Columbus Alive  |  Melissa Starker  |  05-28-2004  |  Profiles & Interviews

McDonald's Documentary Puts Director in Perilnew

A man eats fast food for a month -- guess what happens.
Cleveland Scene  |  Robert Wilonsky  |  05-21-2004  |  Reviews

Atkins Diet Associated with Health Dangersnew

"Atkins sold his diet as a gift wrapped in a bacon cheeseburger -- no bun, but with a cheesecake on the side," says Jody Gorran, whose time on the low-carb regime left him slim but with an artery blockage. "I wanted to lose weight, so I made a Faustian deal with the devil, and the devil was Robert Atkins."
Gambit  |  Frank Etheridge  |  05-06-2004  |  Science

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