AltWeeklies Wire
Will the Soda Pop Tax Go National?new
Arkansans already pay it.
Arkansas Times |
Doug Smith |
09-04-2009 |
Happytown: Attention, Area Fatasses -- You're Not Alonenew
According to a recent report from the Trust for America's Health, nearly one-quarter of Florida adults are obese, and a third of our children are obese or overweight. What's most depressing about the report is that Florida's about average.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffery C. Billman and Billy Manes |
07-16-2009 |
Tags: obesity, public transportation
If Obesity is a Choice, It's Not One the Poor Get to Makenew

A recent study put grocery prices to the test. Among the 370 foods sampled, it found that energy-dense junk food cost an average of $1.76 per 1,000 calories, while nutritious, unprocessed foods came in at a whopping $18.16 per 1,000 calories.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
05-06-2008 |
The Weighting Game
Is being fat a choice, or is it just the way some people are? Should government pass legislation against obesity, or is that discriminatory? Welcome to the super-sized debate...
The Inlander |
Cara Gardner |
05-05-2005 |
Policy Issues
Pacemaker Company Targets Mood Disordersnew
Cyberonics, which has implanted its pacemaker in thousands of epileptics, wants to expand to the depression market. Still needed: an accounting of those who died or were injured after receiving its implant.
Houston Press |
Craig Malisow |
04-11-2005 |
Lessons From Frozen Griddlecakenew
Sad, disturbing societal lessons are found in the frozen-foods section.
Tucson Weekly |
Renee Downing |
03-24-2005 |
Carbolicious Foods Can Fit Into Healthy Dietnew
The Atkins low-carbohydrate diet diminishes appetite, but the rate of recidivism is extraordinarily high. By contrast, a high-carb, low-fat diet does not suppress appetite but still reduces weight in a more sustainable manner.
Syracuse New Times |
Sam Graceffo, M.D. |
01-04-2005 |
Fat Chance of Losing Weight Electronicallynew
The AbTronic Electric Fitness System promised consumers they could get “six-pack abs” by using its device, but the Federal Trade Commission found that wasn’t true.
Too Fat!new

Arkansas's got perhaps the skinniest governor and the fattest children in America. One wants to help the other -- and their loss could be his gain.
Arkansas Times |
Leslie Newell Peacock |
10-15-2004 |
Editor Slims Down on Atkins Dietnew
Editor Bingo Barnes joined the eating revolution that has overtaken America and lost 31 pounds on the low-carb Atkins diet in nearly three months.
Boise Weekly |
Bingo Barnes |
08-07-2004 |
Body-Mass Index Is an Unbalanced Scalenew
One of the most commonly used measurements of total body fat is the body-mass index, which is based on a person's height and weight. But here's the rub: the BMI standards are based on studies done on Caucasians. It isn't so clear what defines "heavy" or "obese" in people who aren't of European descent.
The Georgia Straight |
Gail Johnson |
08-06-2004 |
A Fast-Food Fear Factor Puts McDonald's Diet to the Testnew
"Super Size Me" creator Morgan Spurlock recalls the pain and displeasure of a 30-day McDonald’s binge
Columbus Alive |
Melissa Starker |
05-28-2004 |
Profiles & Interviews
McDonald's Documentary Puts Director in Perilnew
A man eats fast food for a month -- guess what happens.
Cleveland Scene |
Robert Wilonsky |
05-21-2004 |
Atkins Diet Associated with Health Dangersnew
"Atkins sold his diet as a gift wrapped in a bacon cheeseburger -- no bun, but with a cheesecake on the side," says Jody Gorran, whose time on the low-carb regime left him slim but with an artery blockage. "I wanted to lose weight, so I made a Faustian deal with the devil, and the devil was Robert Atkins."