AltWeeklies Wire
Student Loans Tying You Down?new

Don't look for help from Congress's latest fix.
Chicago Reader |
Deanna Isaacs |
07-03-2012 |
Tags: College Debt, Student Loans
Job Prospects Looking Up for College Gradsnew

Class of 2012 gets a break.
Creative Loafing (Tampa) |
Michelle Boudin and Joanne Spataro |
05-15-2012 |
Top Ramen For Life: The Student Loan Crisisnew

With more than two-thirds of students borrowing money for their educations, student loans are now the largest type of consumer debt. Is this another crisis in the making?
East Bay Express |
Charlie Mintz |
11-10-2010 |
Study Finds Top Publics Give More Funding to Wealthy Studentsnew

The nation’s top public universities are cushioning the cost of college for those who need it the least. While the University of Virginia has made important progress in minority students’ access to higher education, it lagged behind when it came to enrolling low-income students.
C-Ville Weekly |
Chiara Canzi |
01-27-2010 |
College Guide: Beware Private Loansnew
Now, the truth lay before me, thousands upon thousands of dollars owed in my name to the federal government -- or was it my lender or some private bank? I'm still not sure. I had reached that repayment bridge, and all I wanted to do was turn back and start all over again. I soon found out that I wasn't alone.
North Bay Bohemian |
Leilani Clark |
08-20-2009 |
Help Is On the Way For Student Borrowersnew
Each month, with miserable certitude, the snail-mailboxes of middle-class twenty- and thirtysomethings are stuffed with student-loan bills, from both federal and private lenders. The balance seems to remain stagnant, even as we mail in check after check. But a new federal program that went into effect on July 1 aims to help overburdened student borrowers.
Boston Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
07-09-2009 |
Commentary: Student Debt Is a Recipe for Economic Disasternew
On January 21, students across Canada marked a shameful milestone for our country: Canada Student Loan debt owed to the federal government reached $13 billion. Today’s generation of students is living in a debt crisis like no other in Canadian history.
The Georgia Straight |
Shamus Reid |
01-26-2009 |
Young Canadians Taking on Record Levels of Debtnew
In an era of stagnant incomes, young Canadians depend on credit to pursue a bare-bones, middle-class life. So are Canada's young borrowers headed for a crisis?
The Georgia Straight |
Pieta Woolley |
11-04-2008 |
Huge Debt Loads Weigh Down Today's Graduatesnew
The dirty secret of today's economy is that the odds are stacked against the under-35 set. College graduates are hitting the books just to stay even with their parents’ economic performance. They’re paying more for less.
Willamette Week |
Beth Slovic |
05-28-2008 |
No More Student Loans? Good.
The credit card has made it harder to get college student loans. This is a silver lining of recession: a market-driven force that could push down skyrocketing tuition.
Boehner: Yet Another Lobbying Slut?new

The new House Majority Leader is not quite the 'reformer' he claims.
The Village Voice |
Anya Kamenetz |
02-03-2006 |
Shady Sallienew
Just what has the Bush administration done to your student loan?
The Village Voice |
Anya Kamenetz |
01-18-2006 |