AltWeeklies Wire
The Katrina Education Lienew
Among the many reflections on the effects of Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast, the discussion of its effects on schools in New Orleans may be the most disingenuous.
Jackson Free Press |
Shannon Eubanks |
09-11-2015 |
Tags: katrina
Heckuva Comeback, 'Brownie'new
Ex-FEMA boss Michael Brown talks about his return to New Orleans for the 5th anniversary of Katrina.
Dirty Dozen's Fight to Stay Relevant Echoes Their Hometown's Strugglesnew

If there’s anything post-Katrina that New Orleanians have come to value, it’s stability, familiarity, and tradition. The Dirty Dozen Brass Band have kept these concepts deep within their grooves for more than three decades, but the musical tradition is much older.
San Antonio Current |
Nicholas Hall |
02-03-2010 |
Profiles & Interviews
New Orleanian of the Year 2009: Jim Lettennew
The mere mention of Jim Letten's name sends shivers down the spines of crooked pols and evokes cheers from citizens, but he gives all the credit to his staff, fellow prosecutors, the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration and other agencies.
Gambit |
The Gambit Staff |
01-06-2010 |
Ray Nagin Still Factors Into the New Orleans Mayor's Race, as a Reverse Barometernew

New Orleans voters may not know just yet what they want in their next mayor, but they definitely know what they don't want: another Ray Nagin. Polls and campaign strategies bear that out as candidates try to distinguish themselves not only from one another but also from the hugely unpopular, term-limited mayor.
8/29 Commission -- Nownew
Congress should pass the 8/29 Investigation Act to review why New Orleans' levees failed in the wake of Hurricane Katrina to prevent similar catastrophes in the future. New Orleans isn't the only major American city that depends on levees; this is a national issue.
Gambit |
Editorial |
03-25-2008 |
Not Again
The New Year might be off to a fresh start, but the Corps of Engineers is up to its old tricks of missing deadlines and confusing priorities.
FEMA's Formaldehyde Foiblesnew
Over the past year and a half, FEMA has taken steps, sort of, to address the issue of formaldehyde in FEMA trailers, but the problem remains.
Gambit |
Matt Robinson |
01-07-2008 |
Merry Christmas from HUDnew

Despite Katrina causing the worst affordable housing crisis since the Civil War, HUD is spending $762 million in taxpayer funds to tear down more than 4,600 publicly subsidized apartments and replace them with 744 similarly subsidized units -- an 82 percent reduction.
Gambit |
Bill Quigley |
12-12-2007 |
Housing & Development
Smoking for Jesus Ministry Takes Root in Texasnew
Exiled by hurricanes, the black congregation from New Orleans has flourished in Texas Hill Country, by clinging fiercely to their faith.
The Texas Observer |
Dave Mann |
09-24-2007 |
'Eye of the Storm': Writing Out Katrinanew
Sally Forman's self-published book on Mayor Ray Nagin and the storm is not a kiss-and-tell, and that's to the writer's credit.
Gambit |
Jason Berry |
09-12-2007 |
D.J. Augustin Plays a Real Pick-Up Gamenew
Hurricane Katrina ended Augustin's hopes to be a basketball star in New Orlenas, but he joined the team at a Texas high school where he evacuated -- and he now plays for the Texas Longhorns.
For Katrina Recovery, Public Sector Needs to Step Upnew
New Orleans has come a long way since Aug. 29, 2005, but we have much more to do -- the "market-driven" recovery predicted by the mayor can still occur, but those in public office must recognize that there are some things only government can do.
'Sugarcane Academy': Back to Schoolnew
Michael Tisserand on learning from Katrina.
The Memphis Flyer |
Leonard Gill |
08-21-2007 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Raising the Lower Ninenew
How residents of one historic neighborhood in New Orleans are framing the flood-ravaged area's recovery in modern, "green" terms.
Gambit |
Ariane Wiltse |
06-26-2007 |