AltWeeklies Wire
Ground Gamenew
The Obama campaign, a view from the ground. Nancy Webber of Eugene is a longtime Oregon political activist and author of Ground Game, a book that chronicles her life in the field offices of the 2008 Obama campaign.
Eugene Weekly |
Nancy Webber |
09-20-2012 |
Extraordinary security at RNC, DNCnew
Date on which the Democratic National Convention begins in Charlotte: Sept. 3 Amount in federal funds the city will spend on security for the gathering, expected to draw 6,000 delegates and 30,000 visitors: $50 million Number of officers the money will be used to hire from outside departments: 3,400...
S.C. Republicans Determined to Disenfranchise Black Votersnew

Shortly after the 2008 election, Ann Beser and Steve Chand, of Myrtle Beach, saw the notice in the local paper that there would be a big breakfast confab of Republicans in Georgetown. Beser and Chand are not Republicans, but they are white, and that was good enough. So these two retirees drove down from Myrtle Beach to Georgetown to have grits and eggs with the GOPers.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
11-10-2011 |
The African-American Community Could Have Slowed Gentrificationnew
I have received some requests to respond to Dwayne Green's article "Planning for the Post-Riley Future: Should mayoral candidates focus on this election or the next one?" In it, Dwayne asserts that Mayor Joseph P. Riley Jr.'s opponents are spending their energy in vain because there is no way Riley can lose the upcoming election. According to Dwayne, Riley's opponents should "start thinking about a palatable vision that will take hold once the incumbent leaves office." I agree with Dwayne on some points and disagree on a few.
Charleston City Paper |
Kwadjo Campbell |
10-06-2011 |
Tags: election, gentrification
Johnny DuPree Aims to Win Mississippinew
Johnny DuPree needs 38 percent of the white vote to become the first black governor of Mississippi.
Jackson Free Press |
Lacey McLaughlin |
09-01-2011 |
The Rove Primary
If Karl Rove gets his wish, the GOP can run an all-Hillary-hating-all-the-time campaign.
The Inlander |
Ted S. McGregor Jr. |
09-07-2007 |
Frontrunners by Default: An Utterly Reckless 2008 Preview
The official frontrunners are Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani -- reality, at least 18 months before the 2008 presidential election, looks different.
Maui Time |
Ted Rall |
05-15-2007 |
Goodbye GOP
A Republican bemoans his party's loss of principles, and quits -- for now, at least.
The Inlander |
Robert Stokes |
10-11-2006 |
Too Good for Us?new

Ken Blackwell is well known for his role in election day shenanigans that pushed Ohio into George Bush's win column in 2004 -- what's not so well known about the right-wing ideologue now running for Ohio governor is his early years as a liberal activist and a third-party mayor of Cincinnati.
Cincinnati CityBeat |
Lew Moores |
08-21-2006 |
Diebold's Revengenew
Los Angeles County's District Attorney goes after the man who leaked key documents outlining problems with voting machines to the secretary of state and a reporter.
L.A. Weekly |
Christine Pelisek |
03-02-2006 |
Artists Fear Harper Victorynew
If the Conservative party wins in the upcoming election, artists could face a very different Canada -- one not so eager to support art.
The Georgia Straight |
Pieta Woolley |
01-20-2006 |
Positive Images Rule in Bush's Americanew
In the new America, we're not supposed to publish pictures of the bodies of the American dead in the streets -- only the Iraqis. Reality only gets in the way.
The Village Voice |
Sydney H. Schanberg |
01-26-2005 |
The Urban Archipelago -- A New Democratic Realitynew
It's time for the Democrats to face reality: They are the party of urban America. If the cities elected our president, if urban voters determined the outcome, John F. Kerry would have won by a landslide. Urban voters are the Democratic base.
The Stranger |
The Stranger Editorial Staff |
11-12-2004 |
Tags: election, postmortem
Electoral Hangover
It’s going to be fascinating to see whether the Democratic Party becomes a Zell Miller Democratic Party (basically a Republican Party clone) or the Howard Dean Party that clearly differentiates itself.
Dayton City Paper |
Nick Wilkinson |
11-12-2004 |
Tags: election, postmortem
The State GOP That Governs Humbly, Governs Bestnew
Georgians woke Nov. 2 in a two-party state, but retired that night in a state dominated by Republicans. Democrats' hopes to regain control of the state Senate were dashed, and the state House was thrown firmly into GOP hands for the first time since Reconstruction.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Bob Barr |
11-11-2004 |
Tags: election, postmortem