AltWeeklies Wire
Lost in Wilberforcenew

America's oldest historically black private college is on the verge of losing its accreditation. Can it be saved?
Cleveland Scene |
Sam Allard |
08-22-2014 |
The Evolution of Equalitynew

Are Ohioans ready to recognize my gay marriage?
Cincinnati CityBeat |
German Lopez |
11-28-2012 |
Cuyahoga County's Fight Over Document Fees Yields a Dubious Alliancenew

Five years before Cuyahoga County Recorder Pat O'Malley resigned in May 2008, he quietly closed a deal that garnered little interest at the time. It was a pact with Data Trace, a California company that specializes in snapping up title and tax documents, then customizing and re-selling the information.
Cleveland Scene |
Anastasia Pantsios |
04-20-2011 |
Policy Issues
Could Too Much Gaming Create Problems for Ohio's Casinos?new

Ohio is considering whether to expand gaming through digital slot machines at Ohio's racetracks, a move that would amount to an overnight Cinderella switch, turning cash-bleeding racetracks into slot parlors, or "racinos," in industry-speak
Cleveland Scene |
Kyle Swenson |
04-13-2011 |
Business & Labor
Survivor of Ohio's Latest Botched Execution Reveals Breathtaking Incompetencenew

Romell Broom achieved a macabre notoriety this past month when he became the first man to survive his date with the needle. The eyes of the world are on Ohio now, and many are questioning our death-penalty apparatus.
Cleveland Scene |
Damian Guevara |
10-07-2009 |
Crime & Justice
Ohio Officials Worried About Higher Ed Cuts From Fed Stimulusnew
One provision of the stimulus legislation passed by the U.S. House that sustained cuts during the bipartisan Senate compromise was billions of dollars designed to aid ailing state economies, including funds Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland was counting on to keep tuition frozen next year.
The Athens NEWS |
David DeWitt |
02-13-2009 |
Dead Because He Knew Too Much?new
If there was a plot to steal the 2004 election in Ohio, GOP consultant Michael Connell knew about it.
Cleveland Scene |
James Renner |
01-23-2009 |
Policy Issues
Man Sues Bank Over Debit Card Feesnew
Dennis Charlton is taking one of Greater Cincinnati's largest corporations to court in a legal showdown that potentially could affect thousands of local banking customers.
Cincinnati CityBeat |
Kevin Osborne |
12-11-2008 |
Rampant Foreclosures Have Torn the Very Fabric of Northeast Ohionew

In this young century, we've focused our collective attention elsewhere while market forces battered the vulnerable like a hurricane. And the subprime mortgage explosion was the economic Katrina; Northeast Ohio the Gulf Coast.
Cleveland Free Times |
Dan Harkins |
07-09-2008 |
Nurses Claim Dr. Walter Ruf Took Sexual Harassment to a Whole New Levelnew
According to documents and depositions from Summit County court files, Dr. Ruf referred to young nurses as "wenches" and "cunts," and would "come up behind you and grab your breast," one nurse testified.
Cleveland Scene |
Lisa Rab |
06-20-2008 |
Crime & Justice
In Ohio, the Feds Do Their Best to Conceal a Toxic Horrornew
Toxins are emerging from the ground under the former Ford Road landfill in Elyria, and many of the residents have developed cancer. Some think health reports were purposely repressed by the feds.
Cleveland Scene |
Rebecca Meiser |
05-27-2008 |
Divine Retributionnew
Ohio's Religious Left reclaims faith from those who hate.
Cleveland Free Times |
Anastasia Pantsios |
03-14-2007 |
Tags: religious right, Ohio
Selling Kabbalahnew
An Orthodox rabbi wants to bring mysticism to the masses, but other rabbis say his new book on the Kabbalah may reveal secrets not meant for the outside world.
Cleveland Scene |
Rebecca Meiser |
12-20-2005 |
On Pills and Needlesnew
The Drug Enforcement Administration, which is cracking down on abuse of painkillers, has accused an Ohio doctor of blazing a trail of death, addiction and fraud.
Cleveland Scene |
Josh Mound |
12-14-2005 |
Mortgage Company Breaks Trust With Amish Familiesnew
World Home Lending has lured several Amish families in Ohio into mortgage loans they claim they didn't understand. But when two men in the community warned others to be cautious, the company sued them for slander.
Cleveland Scene |
Lisa Rab |
11-09-2005 |
Business & Labor