AltWeeklies Wire

20 Greatest Non-Hits by the Rolling Stonesnew

Everyone knows that the Rolling Stones are a bunch of greedy amoral bastards. (Pick your anecdote from rock lore to illustrate this fact.) The geezers keep flogging their fame into the 21st century, long past sell-by date of their flesh and musical inspiration. Do they need to tour and release more memoirs to make more millions? It hardly seems like it, yet they've been doing it for 50 years now, and they probably don't know what else to do with themselves.
New Haven Advocate  |  John Adamian  |  10-11-2012  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Barter Economy Chugs Along While Paying Jobs Remain Hard to Come Bynew

Welcome to the bartering economy, a system of no-money trading that experts say is booming in Connecticut and across the globe. It turns out to be one area that the Great Recession has actually helped.
New Haven Advocate  |  Gregory B. Hladky  |  09-27-2012  |  Business & Labor

What Mowing Your Lawn Is Doing To The Planetnew

Americans reportedly dump more than 80 million pounds of pesticides and other chemicals onto their lawns and gardens every year. Aside from the potential risks for people and animals coming into direct contact with this toxic crap, pesticides get washed into streams and rivers, ending up as marine pollution.
New Haven Advocate  |  Gregory B. Hladky  |  05-24-2011  |  Environment

Medical Marijuana Closer to Legalization in CTnew

Rhode Island and New Jersey aren’t often put in the beacons-of-light category, but Connecticut is right now looking to those two states to help illuminate the tricky pathway toward state-sanctioned growing and sale of medical marijuana.
New Haven Advocate  |  Gregory B. Hladky  |  04-26-2011  |  Drugs

Framed for Murder?new

Recanted testimony bolsters another New Haven, Conn. man’s fight for freedom.
New Haven Advocate  |  Betsy Yagla  |  03-01-2011  |  Crime & Justice

Does Joe Lieberman Have a Chance in 2012?new

Reading the tea leaves on Joe Lieberman’s influence and future.
New Haven Advocate  |  Gregory B. Hladky  |  11-09-2010  |  Politics

Google's Self-Driving Carnew

Is that what we want?
New Haven Advocate  |  Greg Beato  |  10-19-2010  |  Tech

Anonymity & the Internet: No Commentnew

Why do websites let anonymous commenters just say whatever the hell they want anyway?
New Haven Advocate  |  Brianna Snyder  |  05-25-2010  |  Tech

Why Do Catholic Priests Molest Kids?new

The question is as simple as it is hard to answer.
New Haven Advocate  |  Kimberly B. George  |  04-27-2010  |  Religion

Connecticut Could Kill the Death Penalty in 2011new

The swirling political tides in Connecticut could lead to the abolition of the death penalty in the state next year.
New Haven Advocate  |  Daniel D’Ambrosio  |  04-20-2010  |  Crime & Justice

Q&A: Connecticut’s Budget Crisisnew

The CT legislature passed a months-overdue two-year budget last August, but eight months later the state is already $500 million in debt this year.
New Haven Advocate  |  Christopher Arnott  |  04-13-2010  |  Politics

Little Horrors: How Yale Made Friends With Tiny Flesh-Eatersnew

The dermestid beetle, sometimes called the carpet beetle or the leather-eating beetle, is dark brown and about the size of a pumpkin seed. It eats dead flesh and picks the bones clean. That’s why the Peabody keeps colonies of them.
New Haven Advocate  |  Jenny Blair  |  04-06-2010  |  Science

Wilco Continues to Manage the Extremesnew

Wilco is a bit like America’s answer to Radiohead. The band is hugely popular, inspiring major-league fan adoration, loads of Internet documentation and speculation, and ample critical acclaim.
New Haven Advocate  |  John Adamian  |  04-06-2010  |  Music

Dork Cool: Brought to You by Twitternew

Four Macbooks and a motley assortment of cups clutter the table at The Bean and Leaf here on a cloudy Wednesday morning. The monitors flash with Twitter and Facebook updates while multiple conversations are being held over the din of the coffee house.
New Haven Advocate  |  Rebecca Lucente  |  03-30-2010  |  Tech

O, Pioneers! Nowhere to Pole Dance in New Havennew

You might find this hard to believe, but there’s nowhere to pole dance in New Haven. For exercise purposes, that is. That’s what Becky Poplawski discovered when she arrived at Yale this past fall to begin her freshman year.
New Haven Advocate  |  Cara McDonough  |  03-30-2010  |  Culture

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