AltWeeklies Wire
Solitary confinement: Bad for chimps, OK for humans?new

A very popular bill now moving through Congress bans solitary confinement for chimpanzees and other great apes. But what about people?
Portland Phoenix |
Lance Tapley |
08-24-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: monkeys, chimpanzees
Turning Feminist Theory Into a Visceral Rape Deterrentnew

In Africa, your vagina can get spikes for $2. Complete with sharkskin-like barbs that catch onto an invading penis, causing pain and preventing urination, and requiring specialized medical professionals to remove, the Rape-aXe is a real-world application of feminist theory.
Portland Phoenix |
Dena Riegel |
05-04-2011 |
The War on Women
Co-Opting the Media: White Supremacist Code Printed Nationwidenew
James von Brunn, the accused shooter at the Holocaust Museum on Wednesday, is 88 years old. His age is no accident: "88" is white-supremacist code for "Heil Hitler." In printing his age, news outlets around the world have printed the white-supremacists' message.
Portland Phoenix |
Jeff Inglis |
06-12-2009 |
Crime & Justice
FairPoint's Finances Are Failing Fastnew
Two major safety valves in the financial house of cards that is New England's largest landline telecommunications service provider blew last week, leaving FairPoint Communications in a position of significant weakness, even as the company admits that its financial picture will worsen in the short term.
Portland Phoenix |
Jeff Inglis |
03-12-2009 |
Policy Issues
Kill Your Antennanew
The DTV transition doesn't affect you. And we shouldn't be doing it anyway -- we should get all the spectrum back from the TV companies and use it to extend internet access to everyone.
Portland Phoenix |
Jeff Inglis |
01-14-2009 |
I Had An Abortionnew

Forty percent of American women have abortions by the time they're 45. I'm one of them.
Portland Phoenix |
Anonymous |
09-25-2008 |
The Fight Over What Is -- And What Is Not -- Lyme Diseasenew

The deer ticks that carry Lyme disease are tiny. But from these minute creatures, a huge, unresolved medical controversy has grown: Does chronic Lyme disease exist? If so, how is it treated? If not, what's making so many people so very sick?
Portland Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
09-17-2008 |
Will FairPoint Run Out of Money?new
The Wall Street meltdown could really burn telephone customers in northern New England -- one of their phone company's largest lenders just went belly up.
Portland Phoenix |
Jeff Inglis |
09-17-2008 |
Business & Labor
Trying Out a 'Sonic Cannon'new

Watch out for police agencies in your area seeking to buy LRADs -- long range acoustic devices. They're not nearly as benign as cops make them out to be.
Portland Phoenix |
Jeff Inglis |
07-17-2008 |
Civil Liberties
Cutters Write Through the Pain of Self-Harmnew

Kate's goal with her blog is twofold. For one thing, she wants to eliminate even just some small part of the stigma associated with cutting. She also hopes to achieve some insight and closure related to her own cutting history, both by writing and by reading other people's stories.
Portland Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
07-15-2008 |
FairPoint's Phone-Line Takeover is as Bad as Regulators Fearednew

The Verizon-FairPoint merger, in which a North Carolina-based little-phone-company-that-could spent $2.3 billion of mostly borrowed money to take over the northern New England operations of one of the world's largest telecommunications companies, has been more disastrous than even we thought.
Portland Phoenix |
Jeff Inglis |
07-03-2008 |
Business & Labor
A Night in Guantánamonew

I'd volunteered to spend the night in the replica cell (which is modeled on the ones at Gitmo) because we've all heard stories about unlivable conditions at Gitmo but can't come close to imagining what it must be like.
Portland Phoenix |
Jeff Inglis |
06-12-2008 |
Civil Liberties
Torture in Maine's Prisonnew
AltWeeklies Award - News Story -- In-Depth
Portland Phoenix |
Lance Tapley |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
Politics and Other Mistakes: "I'm Afraid of Me," "Unskinny Bop," "Tonight the Bottle Let Me Down"new
AltWeeklies Award - Column-Political
Portland Phoenix |
Al Diamon |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
Important Event Reaches Predictable Audiencenew
As a marine tore a handful of colorful medals from his shirt at the Winter Soldier II hearings in Maryland last week, the crowd cheered.
Portland Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
03-19-2008 |
Tags: war & peace