AltWeeklies Wire
How the Energy Industry is Moving Out of the Dark Agesnew
The energy revolution doesn't hinge on technological discovery. Indeed, the vast majority of technology it will draw on has existed for years, if not decades. The energy revolution is about something much more difficult to change: our own human behavior.
Metro Spirit |
Matt Spaur |
06-17-2009 |
When Playing Doctor Is Like a Video Gamenew

How a Medical College of Georgia professor uses video game technology to teach students about examining your private parts and understanding how you feel about it.
Metro Spirit |
Tom Grant |
03-24-2009 |
Tags: D. Scott Lind, medical education
An Argument for Legalizing Medical Marijuananew
After an 80-year-old woman was arrested for marijuana possession, AIDS patient Joshua McCracken argues that medical marijuana is needed in those 37 states that have not yet exacted laws to allow it.
Metro Spirit |
Joshua McCracken |
03-20-2009 |
Is Your Vote Safe?new

Complaints about possible fraud in electronic voting persist in Georgia and elsewhere. Experts point to "patches" in the software, improper procedures and differences between electronic vote counts and those obtained by exit polling or hand counts.
Metro Spirit |
Joshua McCracken |
10-08-2008 |
Policy Issues
Help me, Obi Wannew
When a woman was asked to leave a store, she became angry and started throwing beer bottles on the floor. She then stood in the corner screaming that “Jesus got her pregnant and she wanted [it] out of her so she could it eat it.”
Metro Spirit |
Alice Wynn |
06-04-2008 |
Crime & Justice
ExxonMobil Exec Heads to Masters Tournamentnew
Our reporter asks an oil industry mogul on his way to the prestigious Masters Tournament whether high gas prices will affect his travel plans.
Metro Spirit |
Murfee Faulk |
04-15-2008 |
Tags: Economic Issues
Thin Gray Linenew
The 25-year police officers' retirement has gone the way of the golden watch in the corporate world. Deputies now stay on the force up to age 65.
Metro Spirit |
Murfee Faulk |
03-12-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Ire on I-20new
GDOT brushes off claims of vindictive behavior, but charges of illogical decision making in constructing sound barriers are becoming harder to deny.
Metro Spirit |
Murfee Faulk |
03-12-2008 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
Tumbling Downnew
Officials fear the Appleby Branch Library's outbuilding will soon crumble. But they don't have the money to make the much-needed repairs.
Metro Spirit |
Amy Christian |
03-12-2008 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
Fight Against Nukesnew
Environmentalists and nuclear activists challenge the Savannah River Site plans to take part in a controversial new "Bombplex 2030" program.
Metro Spirit |
Murfee Faulk |
03-12-2008 |
Tags: environment
In the War on Meth, It's the Civilians Who Losenew
Before I stepped into the home, I thought I'd seen it all. I've seen the war on drugs. I've seen the stupid things people will do on crack or cocaine. But meth is the most addictive substance known to man.
Metro Spirit |
Alan Tanner |
02-27-2008 |
Tags: Drugs
Orgone Warriornew
Have you noticed a wave of positive energy overtaking Augusta? It just might be Dwayne Dotson and his orgonite workshop.
Metro Spirit |
Murfee Faulk |
02-25-2008 |
Tags: environment
Black and White and Red All Overnew
After selling off 17 newspapers, Morris Communications remains saddled with $400 million in debt, dwindling revenues and the outlook of a rough ride ahead.
Metro Spirit |
Murfee Faulk |
02-11-2008 |
Tags: media
Mother Blames Gardasil for Daughter's Deathnew
A healthy 19-year-old girl suddenly dies two weeks after a Gardasil vaccination. Researchers say its unrelated but the mother has many questions about the safety of the HPV vaccine.
Metro Spirit |
Tom Grant |
01-28-2008 |
Cutting Edgenew
Dr. Kapil Bhalla's checklist for MCG Cancer Center: attract world class research, save lives, make downtown boom.
Metro Spirit |
Tom Grant |
11-29-2007 |
Tags: Health & Science