AltWeeklies Wire
Blunt Truth: Ten Years in the Life of a Local Drug Dealernew

Seems like a lot of us are buying weed. So I ask you, how well do you know your dealer? How well do you know what he goes through? (How much do you really want to know?) Meet "Mr. Dealer" -- he's 26 years old and has been selling weed for over 10 years.
C-Ville Weekly |
J. Tobias Beard |
07-30-2008 |
Beck Offers Gloom You Can Move to on 'Modern Guilt'new
By enlisting DJ Danger Mouse, Beck seemed poised for a return to the madcap sound collages of his early landmark albums. But on Modern Guilt, Beck's 10th album, Danger Mouse streamlines the meditations on personal stasis and existential dread that have been the core of Beck's output since the acoustic gloom of Sea Change.
C-Ville Weekly |
Kaveh Ardalan |
07-23-2008 |
Virginia Criminalizes Salvia, Nobody Noticesnew
At midnight July 1, Salvia Divinorum, the mind altering Mexican plant whose use by teenagers has been sweeping the nation (or so says some media), officially became illegal, giving some Virginians out there a cool, new, felony-level, drug-using past.
C-Ville Weekly |
J. Tobias Beard |
07-09-2008 |
Does Charlottesville Have a Gang Problem?new
Gunplay and violence in the city's poorest neighborhoods: Are they the work of turf thugs, copy cats, or real-life gang bangers -- and once a shot is fired, what difference does it make, anyway?
C-Ville Weekly |
Scott Weaver |
07-09-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Sex Files: Questions About Sex Abound for New Momsnew
Unless you adopted your child, you got to this point by having sex. Many new parents want to know when it is O.K. to have intercourse again after a vaginal or cesarean delivery. The basic answer is: There really is no specific time frame. It all depends on how you and your partner feel about it.
C-Ville Weekly |
Annette Owens |
07-03-2008 |
'Lookout' Brings a New Plot Twist to the Silver Jews Saganew
Lookout Mountain, Lookout Sea is an ecstatic experience in the literal sense, an often joyous, crisp rock album that leaves David Berman poised on another precipice, ready to start another chapter or, should he desire, a new book altogether.
C-Ville Weekly |
Brendan Fitzgerald |
06-25-2008 |
Sex Files: Vacations Can Bring Couples Closernew
If you are tired of having sex in the same old place at home, just being in a new environment can add a little spice to your sex life.
C-Ville Weekly |
Annette Owens |
06-18-2008 |
The 'First Lady of Virginia Wine' Talks About Closing Her Winerynew

Felicia Warburg Rogan, founder of Oakencroft Vineyard and Winery, is one of a handful of people who can rightfully be said to have helped create the Virginia Wine industry. But now, after 25 years, Oakencroft is shutting its doors on December 31.
C-Ville Weekly |
J. Tobias Beard |
06-11-2008 |
As He Eyes VP Slot, Sen. Jim Webb Presents a New Version of Himselfnew

It certainly hasn't escaped our notice that Webb has undergone a bit of a personality transfer as of late, and seems to be mellowing into a slightly-less-combative, slightly-more-effective version of the tough-talking SOB that we've come to know and ... well, maybe not love, but at least regard with brotherly affection.
C-Ville Weekly |
Dan Catalano |
06-11-2008 |
Look Who's Stalking 'The Strangers'new
The Strangers is minimalist almost in the extreme. It uses one set, five characters and almost no dialogue. This one is all about the ambience of fear, not the excess of bloody special effects.
C-Ville Weekly |
06-04-2008 |
Why Don't You Know What's in Your Wine?new

We want to believe wine is nothing but grapes and sunshine. The grapes are picked, crushed, aged and poured. This idea abides in advertising and drips from the lips of every winemaker and winery owner. Nine times out of 10, however, it's far from the truth.
C-Ville Weekly |
J. Tobias Beard |
05-28-2008 |
Cohousing Creates Community (and Density)new
Central Virginia's first cohousing development is springing up. As it does so, its proponents battle misconceptions of what it is and the argument that the development, Blue Ridge Cohousing, was just too dense.
C-Ville Weekly |
Scott Weaver |
05-22-2008 |
Housing & Development
Sex Files: There's Help for Women Who Experience Pain During Sexnew
Sex is not much fun when it hurts. About 15 to 20 percent of women in the United States report having pain during intercourse, and yet this problem often makes women feel alone. Unlike a backache or tennis elbow, it's not something you can easily share with friends or colleagues.
C-Ville Weekly |
Annette Owens |
05-21-2008 |
Voting Rights Elusive for Ex-Felons in Virginianew

The Sentencing Project estimates that one in 41 adults have lost their voting rights because of a felony conviction. And while each state has its own laws regarding the restoration of a felon's civil rights, Virginia has one of the harshest sets of laws that make restoring your civil rights after a felony conviction a slog through a bureaucratic wasteland.
C-Ville Weekly |
Scott Weaver |
05-21-2008 |
Winemakers Deal with the Rising Cost of Barrelsnew

To get the kind of taste that sells, you need oak. But brand new French oak barrels, the ne plus ultra of wine containers, are very expensive, and with the dollar falling steadily against the Euro, they've only gotten more so.
C-Ville Weekly |
J. Tobias Beard |
05-14-2008 |