AltWeeklies Wire

National Archives Offer New Proof of Vietnam War Atrocitiesnew

Hundreds of U.S. military investigative files that were classified for decades but are now available in the National Archives back up the young John Kerry's Senate testimony and put the lie to his critics, including Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Incidents of mutilation and torture are cited.
The Village Voice  |  Nicholas Turse  |  09-21-2004  |  Politics

A Bin Laden Ad Could Beat Bushnew

If John Kerry can pin the failure to capture Osama bin Laden on Bush in his upcoming ads, he will finally connect with the fear that is driving this election.
The Village Voice  |  Wayne Barrett  |  09-15-2004  |  Politics

Pre-Attack Warning of 9-11 Could Haunt John Kerrynew

Now that he's been endorsed by a group of 9-11 widows, Kerry has issued a pretty tepid statement on the attack, promising to re-convene the 9-11 Commission. But 9-11 is a minefield for Kerry, who didn't act on a May 2001 letter warning of lax security at Logan Airport.
The Village Voice  |  James Ridgeway  |  09-15-2004  |  Politics

Rage, Peace and Panty Lines on New York's Streetsnew

Some moments of mischief and mayhem, pain and protest are captured by cameras outside Madison Square Garden during the Republican National Convention.
The Village Voice  |  Jennifer Snow  |  09-08-2004  |  Politics

Convention of Hate: Presidency Shouldn't Be Won on Slandernew

We have seen nastiness at both parties' rallies before, but in my time, which goes back to FDR, I can remember no oratory sanctioned by a major party that was more obviously a hate speech than Zell Miller's.
The Village Voice  |  Sydney H. Schanberg  |  09-08-2004  |  Commentary

The Waiting Game: Hundreds Kept in Jail Too Longnew

"You expect it in the former Soviet Union, or Saudi Arabia maybe. But New York City? It's like they took the Bill of Rights and threw it in the trash can," says one man arrested with his brother as they stood on a sidewalk watching anti-Republican demonstrators.
The Village Voice  |  Jennifer Gonnerman  |  09-08-2004  |  Politics

The Honor Roll: See Who Got Arrested During the RNCnew

Find all the Jennifers, Nicoles, Seans, Pedros, Elijahs and Jane Does who were taken into police custody in New York City during the week of the Republican National Convention. Most of the 1,793 arrested are listed here.
The Village Voice  |  Staff Writers  |  09-08-2004  |  Politics

Streets of Rage: How Bush and the GOP Mobilized Half a Million Peoplenew

All week, people have invoked George W. Bush's name in anger and ridicule in documentaries, art shows, poetry readings, even die-ins, all part of the convulsion of creative dissent that his presidency has unintentionally unleashed.
The Village Voice  |  Tom Robbins and Jennifer Gonnerman  |  09-02-2004  |  Politics

500+ Protest Arrestees Denied Food, Water, Medicines, Lawyersnew

The National Lawyers Guild held an emergency press conference this morning to denounce the apparent denial of basic rights to those arrested in this week's protests, Anya Kamenetz reports in her blog about Republican National Convention protests.
The Village Voice  |  Anya Kamenetz  |  08-30-2004  |  Politics

The 10 Ways Bush Screwed New Yorknew

New York 9-11 Veterans for Truth welcome Republicans to a city hit by a couple of swift jets just 35 months ago, insisting, in our own friendly way, that the convention focus on how Bush-Cheney responded to our riverbank assault.
The Village Voice  |  Wayne Barrett and Daniel Magliocco  |  08-25-2004  |  Politics

Elephants in Our Living Room: A Convention Guidenew

In case you get trampled by the elephants in New York for the Republican National Convention next week, here are some tips for getting out from underfoot. The Voice provides tips for finding a doctor, transportation or a bail bondsman.
The Village Voice  |  Rebecca Raber  |  08-24-2004  |  Politics

Acting Up: The Revolution Will Be Dramatizednew

Artists are mobilizing in historic numbers for the Republican National Convention. But if Michael Moore's blockbuster film can't breach the country's red-state/blue-state mental divide, what can we reasonably expect from an army of fringe acts sprinkled with mega-star cameos?
The Village Voice  |  Charles McNulty  |  08-18-2004  |  Politics

What the McGreevey Mess Means for Closets and Corruptionnew

New Jersey governor Jim McGreevey's revelation that he is gay was a momentous event that, sadly, could have only happened out of shame, not pride. The days when a married pol announces "Yep, I'm gay" just because he feels like it are as far away as Michael Jackson begging the FBI to chaperone his next date.
The Village Voice  |  Michael Musto  |  08-18-2004  |  Politics

Congressional Race Turns Into a Campaign-Finance Scandalnew

Opposing incumbent Major Owens for the Brooklyn seat in the Democratic primary are two thirtysomething city councilwomen. One of them, Tracy Boyland, appears to have a swath of campaign-finance violations, and the other, Yvette Clarke, to have undercover Republican ties.
The Village Voice  |  Wayne Barrett and Marc Schultz  |  08-18-2004  |  Politics

Ronald Reagan Destroyed America's Sense of Realitynew

A noted fantasist, Reagan is perhaps best remembered for the eight years he spent believing he ruled an entirely fictional United States. To the old trouper's delight, this was a delusion shared by most of his compatriots, which is why his imaginary nation still subsumes ours to this day.
The Village Voice  |  Tom Carson  |  06-09-2004  |  Commentary

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