AltWeeklies Wire

Let's Talk Pauliticsnew

The Ron Paul Revolution is alive and well in Kentucky.
LEO Weekly  |  Stephen George  |  01-15-2008  |  Politics

Can Kentucky's Leaders Rise to Meet the Demands of Difficult Times?new

As the General Assembly convenes, that's the one burning question.
LEO Weekly  |  Steve Shaw  |  01-15-2008  |  Politics

Vacancy May Weaken ACLU-KY This Legislative Sessionnew

Director search is almost over, but organization remains short-staffed.
LEO Weekly  |  Phillip M. Bailey  |  01-07-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Kentucky Still Lags Behind, But the Bluegrass Could Changenew

Tom Fitzgerald, director of the Kentucky Resources Council, talks about Kyoto, Kentucky, carbon, optimism in a time of crisis, and how we might extract ourselves from the mess we’ve made of our ecosystem.
LEO Weekly  |  Stephen George  |  12-06-2007  |  Environment

Small Steps Forward, Small Steps Backnew

Louisville, Ky., inches along on climate protection.
LEO Weekly  |  Jennifer Oladipo  |  12-06-2007  |  Environment

What Do the Iraqis Have to Say?new

With their documentary Meeting Resistance, Molly Bingham and Steve Connors campaign for a new approach to understanding our enemies: Ask them.
LEO Weekly  |  Alan Abbott  |  12-03-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews


WHAS-TV goes after Louisville bloggers for posting its video. How far will the station go?
LEO Weekly  |  Jennifer Oladipo  |  11-12-2007  |  Media

The Joy of Rediscovering Buell Kazeenew

Kazee was a complex and influential folk musician in "the old weird America" who gave it all up to preach. Recently, Appalshop re-released a memorial album that showcases the broad and nuanced context of hiss music and life.
LEO Weekly  |  Nathan Salsburg  |  11-02-2007  |  Music

Why I Launched the Article 1 Initiativenew

For American democracy to work, it is not only vital that we in Congress exercise powers granted us by the Constitution, but it is also our moral responsibility. Therefore, we are calling on all of our colleagues to join us in celebrating the Constitution and reclaiming the powers granted us therein.
LEO Weekly  |  John Yarmuth  |  10-22-2007  |  Commentary

Will Louisville's Voters Take the Bait?new

The library tax haggle gets weird.
LEO Weekly  |  Cary Stemle and Rick Redding  |  10-22-2007  |  Policy Issues

Breast Cancer: The Marketing Darling of Diseasesnew

There is no other disease for which we are told that going shopping can cure an illness -- never mind that many of the pink-washed products are downright unhealthy and, in some cases, contain ingredients that have been linked to cancer.
LEO Weekly  |  Lucinda Marshall  |  10-22-2007  |  Commentary

Fair Trade: Hipster Label or Way of Life?new

For a group of Peruvian women who have lived through years of terrorism and now face a stumbling economy that is once again inciting violence, our willingness to understand and embrace fair trade can mean the difference between their struggle and success.
LEO Weekly  |  Jennifer Oladipo  |  10-22-2007  |  Business & Labor

Is This the Best Kentucky Can Do?new

The state suffers from a double-whammy: high personal-income tax rates, which discourage individual investment, and high corporate tax rates, which poison the entrepreneurial atmosphere and keep residents dependent on Frankfort to bribe companies via outrageous incentives to expand or open new facilities.
LEO Weekly  |  Jim Waters  |  10-16-2007  |  Commentary

The Senate Snow Job on Iraqnew

Senators hide behind in an outrageous attempt to deflect the debate.
LEO Weekly  |  Stephen George  |  10-01-2007  |  Commentary

Inside the Growing Movement to Oust Mitch McConnellnew

The Iraq Summer coalition's growing strength has led to some deep, ugly chatter in political circles about the future of Senator McConnell and the Republican Party, both in Kentucky and nationwide.
LEO Weekly  |  Stephen George  |  09-06-2007  |  Politics

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