AltWeeklies Wire
'The Hangover' Is a Crude, Dumb Comedy--and a Hilariously Good Timenew

Like the millions of tourists who soak up the American excess of Las Vegas, The Hangover is basically just interested in having a good time. It's dumb, it's crude and if there's a flaw in its execution, it's only that it adds more to the journey than a trip this simple needs.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jeff Kubik |
06-04-2009 |
The Only Gay Bar in Laosnew

Khop Chai is Laos' only gay bar -- if you meet a gay man who has visited Laos, odds are he's frequented this bar.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Ken Cameron |
06-04-2009 |
The Dutch Start Getting All Uptight and Shitnew

As any recent visitor can tell you, there's something strange in the Amsterdam air these days. While the culture of permissiveness remains intact, it has been thoroughly rattled by a recent series of legal reforms.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Patrick Boyle |
05-21-2009 |
Super Cuvees Lose Sight of Their Rootsnew

The super cuvee is to wine what the remix is to music -- a busier, more modern version. And as with the remix, the soul of the wine is sometimes lost.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Kevin McLean |
05-21-2009 |
Tags: super cuvee, wine
Alberta Has Allowed Intolerance in Schools for Too Longnew

The disastrous Bill 44 would insert into Alberta's human rights law a parent's right to exempt their kids from public school class discussion on sexuality, sexual orientation or religion.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jeremy Klaszus |
05-14-2009 |
Calgary Deems Stalled Condo Sites 'a Developing Emergency'new

Abandoned and stalled construction sites throughout Calgary are putting people and property at risk — with one southwest condo site at risk of "catastrophic collapse," according to court documents.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jeremy Klaszus |
05-07-2009 |
Housing & Development
Calgary Company Introduces a Quantum Leap in Headphone Designnew

Despite advances in audio technology, the design of the typical headphone speaker hasn't changed much in the past century. Until now, that is.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Blaine Kyllo |
05-07-2009 |
Video Games
'Daily Show' Stalwart Lewis Black Hits the Roadnew

Lewis Black is pissed off. He is a constant critic of life in the United States, with all its inherent contradictions, foibles and foolishness. And all that is a good thing.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Drew Anderson |
05-07-2009 |
Set Phasers to Awesomenew

The Star Trek reboot will delight fans and newcomers alike.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Kyle Francis |
05-07-2009 |
James Gray Dares to Bare It Allnew

James Gray's Two Lovers flies far outside the typical Hollywood comfort zone by baring its characters' true-to-life flaws, insecurities and erratic behaviors.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jesse Locke |
05-07-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Trans Community Slams Albertanew

After years of hormone therapy, a hysterectomy and surgery removing his breasts, Niq Gryphon was devastated when told by Alberta Health and Wellness that his gender reassignment surgery will not be funded by the province.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Lindsey Wallis |
04-23-2009 |
Independent Artists Revive Alternative Formatsnew

Underground music acts and labels are keeping physical music releases alive with cassette tapes, 7-inch records, CD-Rs, 3-inch and business card CDs, 8-tracks, USB strips and countless other object-fetishist curiosities.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jesse Locke |
04-23-2009 |
Routine Inaction on Environmental Reports Fuels Frustrationnew

A woodland caribou report recently released by Environment Canada is the third major federal environmental report of the past 18 months to be sat on, shelved or downplayed. Conservationists have expressed frustration and the report's authors have joined the growing trend for scientists to be openly critical of government.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Ian Doig |
04-23-2009 |
Post-Oil Food: Surviving When Veggies Cost More Than a Carnew

Our lives have been inextricably linked to oil since the first commercial wells were drilled in the early 1900s. Now some experts believe the oil supply (produced over billions of years) is dwindling.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Alyssa Julie |
04-16-2009 |
Province Relents a Bit on Gender Surgerynew
After angering Alberta's transsexual community by axing funding for gender reassignment surgery in the 2009 budget, provincial Health Minister Ron Liepert has backtracked a bit.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jeremy Klaszus |
04-16-2009 |