AltWeeklies Wire
Canadian Troops Set for Lengthy Stay in Afghanistannew
The minority Conservative government has stated that Canadian troops should remain until 2011.
The Georgia Straight |
Charlie Smith |
10-22-2007 |
No Vacancy in Vancouvernew
The city is bedeviled by rising rents and low vacancy rates, which take a disproportionate toll on young people.
The Georgia Straight |
Charlie Smith and Carlito Pablo |
10-15-2007 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
Is It Time for British Columbia to Raise its Minimum Wage?new
B.C. hasn't raised its $8/hour minimum wage since 2001, which has created plenty of grief for Keona Wiley and thousands of others.
The Georgia Straight |
Carlito Pablo |
10-09-2007 |
Tags: Economic Issues
U.S. Soldier Refuses to Kill, Takes Refuge in Canadanew
Brad McCall, a U.S. army private, is living in exile in Vancouver because he doesn't want to commit war crimes in Iraq.
The Georgia Straight |
Charlie Smith |
10-09-2007 |
The Economics of Water Powernew
Run-of-river independent power projects have gained environmental steam, but are they really the right way to go?
The Georgia Straight |
Matthew Burrows |
09-28-2007 |
Tags: environment
Burmese Brace for Violencenew
Members of Vancouver's Burmese community have told the Georgia Straight that their country could erupt in violence at any moment.
The Georgia Straight |
Travis Lupick |
09-28-2007 |
Tags: international
Why News is Still Good News on the Internetnew
Michael Wolff's new site Newser is useful and intelligent, but not yet special enough to be an essential daily stop.
The Georgia Straight |
Dave Watson |
09-21-2007 |
Tags: media
Ear Disorders Make Life a Daily Balancing Actnew
To maintain balance, humans rely on the eyes, the feet, and the inner ear -- it is inner-ear problems that lead to conditions such as Meniere's disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), and labyrinthitis. However, it's not simple to see a doctor about something invisible.
The Georgia Straight |
Matthew Burrows |
09-11-2007 |
Tags: Health & Science
Nanotech is Set to Change the Worldnew
In sci-fi films and novels, nanotechnology allows scientists to create miniature robot surgeons that will cruise our blood vessels like microscopic submarines -- but the reality of the emerging technology, which many scientists and industry leaders say will radically alter society and the economy, is more complex.
The Georgia Straight |
Rob McMahon |
09-11-2007 |
Tags: Health & Science
Commemorating a Race Riotnew
On Sept. 7, representatives from five communities -- Chinese, Japanese, South Asian, aboriginal, and labor -- will commemorate Vancouver's anti-Asian riot of 1907.
The Georgia Straight |
Carlito Pablo |
08-31-2007 |
Race & Class
Tags: race relations
Mainstreaming the Oldest Profession?new
Sex workers say abolitionist approaches increase danger, but not everyone wants more prostitutes in the neighborhood.
The Georgia Straight |
Steve Smysnuik |
08-31-2007 |
Hybrid Manufacturers Target the Mainstreamnew
When a conservative company like General Motors puts a genuine hybrid-powered sedan on the market, you know these alternate-power vehicles have arrived.
The Georgia Straight |
Ted Laturnus |
08-24-2007 |
Tags: transportation, hybrids
Canada Deports to Tyrannynew
Human-rights advocates are calling on the federal government to increase the number of countries where it won't send failed refugee claimants.
The Georgia Straight |
Staff |
08-24-2007 |
Tags: international
In Canada, Pap Tests Are Free: Why Must the Prostate Pay?new
When men like Laurence Armstrong get a prostate specific antigen (PSA) test to screen for cancer, they have to pay -- and Armstrong says this smacks of sexual discrimination.
The Georgia Straight |
Carlito Pablo |
08-24-2007 |
Tags: Health & Science
Metro Vancouver Downplays Location-efficient Mortgagesnew
Despite the gravity of the issue, Metro Vancouver has not aggressively advanced one potential solution for working families who don't own motor vehicles: location-efficient mortgages, otherwise known as transportation-based mortgages.
The Georgia Straight |
Charlie Smith |
08-24-2007 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development