AltWeeklies Wire

Straight From Law School to Unemploymentnew

After spending $120,000 on a law-school education, this year's grads' best options are with Nervous, Stressed, and Depressed, LLC.
Boston Phoenix  |  Kara Baskin  |  04-30-2009  |  Education

Will the 'Boston Globe' Survive?new

It still feels strange to ask the question: local press watchers (including me) have long assumed that the tabloid Boston Herald would die before its bigger, more sophisticated, more popular broadsheet competitor. Not anymore.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  04-30-2009  |  Media

Queer Eye for the Hawkeyesnew

As Iowa prepared to officially issue marriage licenses to gay applicants, both law-enforcement and state gay groups prepared for vocal, even violent opposition. But things went so smoothly, you had to pay attention to see history being made.
Boston Phoenix  |  Ben Fornell  |  04-30-2009  |  LGBT

Pushing for Gay Marriage in the Courtroomnew

The gay-rights movement took a chance on fighting for the right to wed. It's finally paying off.
Boston Phoenix  |  Steven Stark  |  04-23-2009  |  LGBT

Dale Bozzio's Notorious New Hampshire Cat Housenew

Can an '80s pop icon find peace in rural New England in a house full of feral felines? Apparently not.
Boston Phoenix  |  Ashley Rigazio  |  04-23-2009  |  Animal Issues

Banning Bill Ayers at Boston Collegenew

How the Boston College administration changed their minds and bent the rules to keep the former activist off campus -- at the expense of academic freedom.
Boston Phoenix  |  Kyle Smeallie  |  04-23-2009  |  Civil Liberties

The Science of Profanitynew

Timothy Jay, PhD, is a goddamn expert, and in a newly published study he alleges it's a fucking tragedy that so many academics don't give two shits about how and why we curse.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Faraone  |  04-09-2009  |  Education

The 'Boston Globe' Crisis Leaves Times Co. Speechlessnew

The Boston Globe usually buries its own woes deep inside the paper, but it played the current union showdown with front-page, above-the-fold headlines on both Saturday and Sunday.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  04-09-2009  |  Media

A Girl's Best Friend Is Her Yogurtnew

"Just turn on your TV," says Current TV commentator Sarah Haskins. "Day and night — but mostly day, unless you’re watching Lifetime — there’s gonna be some ladies just chilling out, eating some yogurt, and appealing to our inner woman, to get us to do it too."
Boston Phoenix  |  Caitlin E. Curran  |  03-27-2009  |  The War on Women

'Boston Globe' Buyouts Don't Do the Tricknew

Rumors have it that somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 Globe employees (including one Pulitzer winner) accepted management's latest buyout offer. But that won’t be enough to reach management’s goal of 50 fewer positions.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  03-27-2009  |  Media

We're All Going to Die in 2012 -- Or Notnew

After five millennia of faithful service, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar ends abruptly on December 21, 2012, signifying the end of all things. Or perhaps Mesoamerica just needs to reboot its system.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  03-27-2009  |  Disasters

The Army's Controversial Anthropology Programnew

The US military embeds cultural anthropologists in war zones in hopes of easing relations with native populations. The scientific community wants the program brought into line and are demanding a place at the policy-making table.
Boston Phoenix  |  Peter Piatetsky  |  03-12-2009  |  War

Soldiers Committing Suicidenew

The US military is experiencing a troubling uptick in suicides -- both with active-duty troops overseas and with returned vets. The culprit is post-traumatic stress disorder, and the Pentagon has neither the money, the know-how, or the will to stop it.
Boston Phoenix  |  Jason Notte  |  03-12-2009  |  War

A Move Toward Eco-Friendly Cemeteriesnew

According to environmental activists, traditional funerary activities such as embalming, burial in concrete liners, and cremation are anything but planet friendly.
Boston Phoenix  |  Alan R. Earls  |  02-26-2009  |  Environment

Funeral Recessionnew

Death is inevitable; limos are not. The funeral biz is feeling the pinch of a moribund economy.
Boston Phoenix  |  Julia Rappaport  |  02-26-2009  |  Business & Labor

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