AltWeeklies Wire

What South Carolina's castle doctrine means for younew

In South Carolina, your home is your castle. So is your car, and so is your business. Under the state’s interpretation of the “castle doctrine,” as amended in 2006, civilians are allowed to use deadly force to defend themselves, but they have to meet certain requirements. Basically, if you are out in a neighborhood or in another public place, you are on shaky legal ground if you pull out a weapon.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  04-02-2012  |  Policy Issues

New lawsuits against Citadelnew

The lawsuits outline new accusations: that Citadel officials knew about ReVille’s behavior as early as 2002 and did nothing to stop or report him, and that Rosa knew about allegations of sexual misconduct by ReVille at Summerville’s Pinewood Preparatory School in 2007.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  03-31-2012  |  Policy Issues

Democratic challenger sets her sights on Tim Scott's seatnew

Assuming Tea Party favorite Tim Scott runs for re-election as Charleston’s U.S. representative in November, he will face a new challenger in the political arena: Bobbie Rose, a Democratic candidate and political novice who filed to run for the position on Tuesday.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  03-31-2012  |  Policy Issues

Nigerian rental scammers hit Charlestonnew

“You can only pass by and see how my house looks like from outside,” the man wrote in response to my inquiry about a downtown apartment, “but you must be careful with the way you patrol, in order to avoid been [sic] harassed by the neighborhood security.” Wait — neighborhood security in the hospital district? And then I came to this sentence, which I read a dozen times and could never quite decipher: “As for me, I think it will be perfect to have the keys/paperwork in hand before going to check our house.”
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  03-31-2012  |  Policy Issues

What 'Stand Your Ground' means in South Carolinanew

Gregory Kirk Duncan didn’t take too kindly to the way Christopher Spicer, a guest in his Greenville County home, was talking about a picture of his daughter wearing a cheerleading outfit. Duncan asked Spicer to leave, and he did—but not for long.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  03-31-2012  |  Policy Issues

A city-style development makes strides on Maybank Highwaynew

Not to spoil anyone’s secret spots, but there are only a few places left on James Island where you can really slip into the woods and get away from it all. Apart from an undeveloped peninsula or two off Fort Johnson Road and the still-rural stretches of Grimball Road, the island that Mayor Joseph P. Riley Jr. fights so dearly to rein into the City of Charleston has largely been stripped of its forests and farms, replaced with one suburban street after another.
Charleston City Paper  |  Stratton Lawrence  |  03-31-2012  |  Policy Issues

To Catch a Scammernew

Con Warner exacts his revenge on the internet's worst con artists.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  03-30-2012  |  Crime & Justice

Obama budget would eliminate IT jobs at National Weather Servicenew

One small part of the president's plan to achieve $1.1 trillion in deficit reductions over the coming decade is a $39 million cut to the NWS, from $911 million in Fiscal Year 2012 to $872 million in Fiscal Year 2013.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  03-28-2012  |  Policy Issues

We Need to Talk About Kony 2012new

Some things to consider before you donate.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  03-08-2012  |  International

Funeral home offers green alternatives to modern burialsnew

A woman stared into the empty pine coffin, eyeing the rough-hewn shroud inside with apprehension. “Well, it’s got burlap, and that makes me itch,” she said. She immediately realized what an odd thing it was to say about a wrapping for a lifeless body, but she repeated it anyway. "It does. It makes me itch."
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  02-27-2012  |  Environment

Lesbian Army Veteran Takes on Defense of Marriage Actnew

Lawsuit questions federal government’s ability to trump state recognition of same-sex marriage.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  02-11-2012  |  LGBT

The Horrors of the Gluten-Sensitive Sufferernew

Imagine that for your entire life you have felt sick. Between the fatigue, stomach pains, and nausea, you have been stuck in an endless cycle of dining roulette. Needless to say, your life is scoring a wee bit low on the fun-scale.
Charleston City Paper  |  Nikki Seibert  |  02-09-2012  |  Health

Craigslist Poetry: Really Specificnew

Like good horoscopes, some of the posts on Craigslist’s Missed Connections board are vague enough to be applicable to nearly anyone.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  02-07-2012  |  Sex

Craigslist Poetry: Gettin' Cheekynew

The cleverest pickup lines come to mind long after they are useful. You are lying in bed after a night out on the town when the muse finally visits with an irresistible quip or compliment that is just too good not to use. So you stumble over to your computer, get on Craigslist, and put it out there for all the world to see.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  01-31-2012  |  Sex

Lindsey Graham fears the spending cuts DeMint demandsnew

After the Republican presidential debate in Myrtle Beach last week, Sen. Lindsey Graham said on Fox News, "I hope people in the country understand that we're Ronald Reagan Republicans in South Carolina. We believe in peace through strength and we're not isolationists."
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  01-27-2012  |  Policy Issues

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