AltWeeklies Wire
The War on La Familianew
Familia Loca wanted revenge on a rival Kansas City gang. Instead, they spilled the blood of a 2-year-old girl.
The Pitch |
Carolyn Szczepanski |
05-06-2008 |
Crime & Justice
A Biologist Exposes the Dangers of bisphenol A and Earns the Wrath of the Plastic Industrynew

Missouri biologist Frederick vom Saal's willingness to speak frankly about his findings is alarming to the top five makers of bisphenol A: Dow Chemical, Bayer Material Science, Sunoco Chemicals, SABIC Innovative Plastics and Hexion Specialty Chemicals. And now, after years of quietly publishing studies in scientific journals and presenting papers at toxicological conventions, he is starting to be heard.
Can't Get a Catholic Exorcism in Kansas City?new
James Vivian, who learned his demon-banishing skills from the star of the British reality show The Real Exorcist, is here to help.
Missouri DOT Tosses Cyclists Over the Handlebarsnew

The bill killed by the state's Department of Transportation would've required the state to put up signs reminding motorists to watch out for bicycles.
The Pitch |
Carolyn Szczepanski |
04-22-2008 |
"Dr. Phill," "Blunt Trauma," "Good Night and Good God"new
AltWeeklies Award - Column-Political
Tags: media
Bob Berkebile is the Godfather of Green Buildingnew
In the past 25 years, Berkebile has moved from notoriety as the man in the middle of a deadly skywalk collapse to international respect as a key figure in making his industry more Earth-friendly.
The Pitch |
Carolyn Szczepanski |
04-15-2008 |
Housing & Development
The People vs. Erotic Citynew
Behind the glory holes, orgy rooms and sex booths is a board of directors that includes a felon, a preteen and others who think things aren't that bad.
Sure, Global Warming Has Skepticsnew
But how many teach science at the University of Missouri?
Blood for Blownew
The Raya and Rios slayings looked like another act of random violence until the trial revealed what they had gotten themselves into.
The Pitch |
Justin Kendall |
01-15-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Kansas City's Tax Dollars Not at Worknew
The Citadel Plaza shopping center was supposed to revive the inner city. Instead, it has leveled a neighborhood and left a contaminated mess. Now the developer wants more of our money.
The Pitch |
Carolyn Szczepanski |
01-08-2008 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Spare Any Change?new
Kansas City's big-money donors fund art museums and symphony halls but not a homeless center.
Tags: Economic Issues