AltWeeklies Wire

Campaign finance reports show huge sums pouring into candidate coffersnew

Most of the Super PAC funds will roll in during the fall elections, but as we've seen in other states, Super PACs are starting to creep into our North Carolina primaries.
INDY Week  |  Kirk Ross  |  04-20-2012  |  Elections

The Devious, Dishonest Strategy of the National Organization for Marriagenew

One NOM memo outlined a "strategic goal ... to drive a wedge between gays and blacks—two key Democratic constituencies."
INDY Week  |  Jonathan Weiler  |  04-13-2012  |  Commentary

Love For All means Everyonenew

Amendment 1 would discriminate against thousands of people. Meet some of them.
INDY Week  |  CLACK  |  03-31-2012  |  Politics

Democratic candidates differ on reasons for opposing Amendment 1new

The five Democrats vying to be the next governor or lieutenant governor are unanimous on one issue: In the May 8 primary, Amendment 1 should be defeated. But they differ on why.
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  03-31-2012  |  Politics

Despite GOP promises to clean up campaign finance, it's as dirty as evernew

During the 2010 election, Republicans used the Jim Black and Meg Scott Phipps scandals to illustrate the need for a clean break from Democratic rule. But recently released campaign finance reports paint a much different picture of what happened once the gavel changed hands.
INDY Week  |  Kirk Ross  |  03-28-2012  |  Commentary

Florida: The Weirdest Place in America—and a Perfect Stage for the GOPnew

Even without Herman Cain and that baleful basilisk Mrs. Bachmann, the Republicans refused to be upstaged by the cavalcade of nightmares that's standard fare in the Sunshine State. They showed us they belonged here.
INDY Week  |  Hal Crowther  |  03-22-2012  |  Commentary

Durham DA Tracey Cline's fate awaits Friday rulingnew

Cline testified: "Even though this has been difficult, I promised to do what was right. And after doing all that I could do, I had to protect the people of Durham County."
INDY Week  |  Samiha Khanna  |  02-29-2012  |  Politics

The Democratic Shake-Up for N.C. Governornew

Bev Perdue won't be a one-term governor because she failed to create jobs. She'll be a one-term governor because of federal government failures dating to the Clinton years.
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  02-21-2012  |  Commentary

The Iowa Caucuses: A Lot of Hot Airnew

On the candidates, the contest and the new dog whistle.
INDY Week  |  Jonathan Weiler  |  01-05-2012  |  Elections

The Iowa Caucuses: A Depressing Spectaclenew

As the caucuses wrap up, and regardless of who wins tonight, the identity of the eventual nominee seems clear.
INDY Week  |  Jonathan Weiler  |  01-03-2012  |  Elections

Why Some Iowans Love Ron Paulnew

What Paul has that Gingrich and Romney don't: the ability to "educate" his supporters.
INDY Week  |  Jonathan Weiler  |  01-03-2012  |  Elections

Hope and Trembling at Ground Zeronew

The day after President Obama announced the death of Osama bin Laden, I took the subway to the site of the World Trade Center.
INDY Week  |  Chris Robinson  |  05-04-2011  |  Commentary

The Art Pope Empire: Media Outlets, Think Tanks and Election Machinesnew

The Pope family -- through the John William Pope Foundation -- has been funneling millions of dollars into a network of conservative research, media and legal centers.
INDY Week  |  Chris Kromm  |  03-14-2011  |  Politics

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and the DREAM Actnew

The haters lose one battle, but win another.
INDY Week  |  Lisa Sorg  |  01-03-2011  |  Commentary

Elizabeth Edwards: She Was One Of Usnew

The day after she died, someone posted a newspaper article about Elizabeth Edwards on a progressive political blog and added this one-sentence introduction: "When all is said and done," it read, "she was one of us."
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  12-15-2010  |  Commentary

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