AltWeeklies Wire
GLBT Youth and the Stifling of Discussion of Gay Sexualitynew
The queer community's fight for same-sex marriage, combined with revived AIDS hysteria, is shortchanging gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth by stifling discussion of gay sexuality.
Boston Phoenix |
Michael Bronski |
03-28-2005 |
Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolfowitz?new
Dubious financial and accounting achievements occurred on Paul Wolfowitz's watch before he became president of the World Bank.
The Village Voice |
Jason Vest |
03-18-2005 |
Schwarzenegger Chose Friend to Manage His 'Blind' Trustnew
When California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger set up a blind trust for his fortune in 2003, he designated as trustee his close friend and financial adviser Paul D. Wachter. Wachter is hardly a disinterested party.
North Bay Bohemian |
Peter Byrne |
03-07-2005 |
Surprisingly, Game Onnew

Video games are as susceptible as any medium to the winter doldrums. The year 2005 is different. Never before have we seen a glut of top-shelf titles so soon after Christmas.
Boston Phoenix |
Mitch Krpata |
02-28-2005 |
Video Games
Avery Johnson Will Make a FIne Coach Somedaynew
Dallas Mavericks assistant coach Del Harris comments on what it would be like if the God-fearing Avery Johnson became interim head coach. For one thing, he'd never get tossed out of a game for cursing.
Dallas Observer |
John Gonzalez |
01-31-2005 |
Choose Your Own Adventure: Knights of the Old Republic IInew
The whole "choose your own adventure" theme that made the first KOTOR so amazing is back again for The Sith Lords, and it really makes you feel like your actions can have serious consequences, one way or another.
Boston Phoenix |
Jim Murray and Aaron Solomon |
01-03-2005 |
Video Games
Merry Christmas, Mr. Rumsfeldnew

The call for Donald Rumsfeld's ouster has become nearly universal. But will the defense secretary's critics cop to being just as guilty as he is for bollixing up Iraq?
Boston Phoenix |
Jason Vest |
12-23-2004 |
Back to the Schoolnew
Mark your calendars: The Defense Department's recurring PR nightmare returns this weekend. From Nov. 19-21, thousands of activists will gather at the gates of Fort Benning, Ga., for the annual protest calling for the closure of the Army facility long known as the School of the Americas.
INDY Week |
Jon Elliston |
12-03-2004 |
South Surrenders its Economy to Yankeesnew
That similarity is shoot-ourselves-in-the-foot backwardness. We face the rear and give the Rebel yell, "Charge!" Put another way, just as the Rebel flag wavers are still fighting a war we lost 140 years ago, so, too, is our economy rooted in decades-out-of-date thinking.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
John Sugg |
11-04-2004 |
Bitter Bingonew

Tired of getting hit on in bars? We have no solution for you. But we do have a game that might make you happy when The Guy Who Compliments Weird Things or The Musician/Waiter shows up.
Baltimore City Paper |
Anna Ditkoff |
11-03-2004 |
Polls Indicate John Kerry Is Barely Aheadnew
The presidential race is incredibly close, with John Kerry leading by 58 electoral votes – and the crucial states of Florida and Ohio (47 votes) barely in the Kerry column.
Orlando Weekly |
Alan Waldman |
10-28-2004 |
Local Colornew
Barbara Sutton finds an undeniable comedy in our darkest sorrows.
Boston Phoenix |
Nina MacLaughlin |
10-19-2004 |
The Army Wants Usnew
The Army's "Spirit of America" show ventures into a non-military town, and citizens' reaction hasn't been entirely positive.
Save Our Plot Lines Coalition Formednew
Cinema, music, and publishing industry heavyweights vow to stand united against new threat to fundamental themes of American entertainment: a decrease in the portrayals of obsessive homicidal jealousy.
Secret Agents: Reporters in Prisonnew
From Washington to Providence, reporters face jail for not giving up their sources. But what, exactly, does the government hope to accomplish?
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
08-24-2004 |