AltWeeklies Wire

John Edwards Balancing Left and Centernew

When Elizabeth Edwards chastised for its full-page "General Betray Us" ad in The New York Times, was it an attempt to appeal to the political center or just good Southern manners?
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  09-20-2007  |  Politics

Introducing the Masters of Bill Richardson's Domainsnew

Tennessee resident Clint Richardson has been fielding calls from Washington about his domain as web investors are beginning to take a Clinton-Richardson ticket seriously, and in a few months good he just might have a bidding war on his hands.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Dave Maass  |  09-13-2007  |  Politics

Iowa Democratic Primary Turning into a Four-Way Racenew

Bill Richardson has joined John Edwards, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama among the candidates hitting double-digits in the polls there, turning what's seen nationally as a three-way contest into an Iowa four-way.
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  09-13-2007  |  Politics

Obama and Edwards: Beefcakes!new

It's a sad commentary on the state of the 2008 presidential elections when beefcake photos of two of the Democratic candidates simultaneously grace the cover of a pair of national men's magazines.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Mary F. Patel  |  08-28-2007  |  Politics

This Season's Debates Are Crushing Candidatesnew

The constant debates are slowly destroying the candidacies of John Edwards and Barack Obama -- much to the delight of Hillary Clinton supporters.
Boston Phoenix  |  Steven Stark  |  08-17-2007  |  Politics

Alibi Personals: Candidates

A tall, dark and lovely Democrat, a semi-functional nondrinking alcoholic and a happy-go-luck lawyer are all seeking some special someones.
Weekly Alibi  |  Michael Henningsen  |  10-29-2004  |  Comedy

Look at Sports Records to See Who's Most Fit to Lead the Countrynew

John Kerry is a fanatical windsurfer and recently took up kiteboarding, but there is no evidence George W. Bush likes playing in the water.
Westword  |  Eric Dexheimer  |  10-26-2004  |  Comedy

Cheney Stops News Cycle Coldnew

Say what you want about Dick Cheney's performance, but he shifted the headlines away from his boss -- at least until the next debate, this Friday.
The Village Voice  |  Ta-Nehisi Coates  |  10-07-2004  |  Politics

Democratic Team Stresses Labor and Leadership Issues in Ohionew

If the "conventional wisdom" is to be believed on the potential weak spots of the Kerry/Edwards ticket, the candidates hit the proper notes at Saturday's rally in Zanesville, Ohio.
The Athens NEWS  |  Jim Phillips  |  08-03-2004  |  Politics

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