AltWeeklies Wire
John Edwards Balancing Left and Centernew
When Elizabeth Edwards chastised for its full-page "General Betray Us" ad in The New York Times, was it an attempt to appeal to the political center or just good Southern manners?
Introducing the Masters of Bill Richardson's Domainsnew
Tennessee resident Clint Richardson has been fielding calls from Washington about his domain as web investors are beginning to take a Clinton-Richardson ticket seriously, and in a few months good he just might have a bidding war on his hands.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Dave Maass |
09-13-2007 |
Iowa Democratic Primary Turning into a Four-Way Racenew
Bill Richardson has joined John Edwards, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama among the candidates hitting double-digits in the polls there, turning what's seen nationally as a three-way contest into an Iowa four-way.
Obama and Edwards: Beefcakes!new
It's a sad commentary on the state of the 2008 presidential elections when beefcake photos of two of the Democratic candidates simultaneously grace the cover of a pair of national men's magazines.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Mary F. Patel |
08-28-2007 |
This Season's Debates Are Crushing Candidatesnew
The constant debates are slowly destroying the candidacies of John Edwards and Barack Obama -- much to the delight of Hillary Clinton supporters.
Boston Phoenix |
Steven Stark |
08-17-2007 |
Alibi Personals: Candidates
A tall, dark and lovely Democrat, a semi-functional nondrinking alcoholic and a happy-go-luck lawyer are all seeking some special someones.
Weekly Alibi |
Michael Henningsen |
10-29-2004 |
Look at Sports Records to See Who's Most Fit to Lead the Countrynew
John Kerry is a fanatical windsurfer and recently took up kiteboarding, but there is no evidence George W. Bush likes playing in the water.
Cheney Stops News Cycle Coldnew
Say what you want about Dick Cheney's performance, but he shifted the headlines away from his boss -- at least until the next debate, this Friday.
The Village Voice |
Ta-Nehisi Coates |
10-07-2004 |
Democratic Team Stresses Labor and Leadership Issues in Ohionew
If the "conventional wisdom" is to be believed on the potential weak spots of the Kerry/Edwards ticket, the candidates hit the proper notes at Saturday's rally in Zanesville, Ohio.
The Athens NEWS |
Jim Phillips |
08-03-2004 |