AltWeeklies Wire

New Tactic for Crime?new

Detroit cops to target gang members with 'cease fire' strategy.
Metro Times  |  Larry Gabriel  |  09-26-2012  |  Crime & Justice

Soldier of Misfortunenew

Claims of a cover-up in the killing of a Detroit man in Iraq.
Metro Times  |  Curt Guyette  |  06-08-2012  |  War

War-Zone Poetnew

Riding the quatrains in Afghanistan.
Metro Times  |  M.L. Liebler  |  06-01-2012  |  War

Kick Out the Demons: Exorcism Detroit-Stylenew

The people who attend this church swear they see miracles. Who's to argue?
Metro Times  |  Detroitblogger John  |  05-02-2012  |  Religion

Detroit's Consent Dealnew

The short-term fix — and the long-term gorilla in the room.
Metro Times  |  Curt Guyette  |  04-18-2012  |  Features

GOP's Appalling Silencenew

The Michigan GOP primary is over, but there was one issue the candidates ignored entirely. During the last week of the campaign, a new report showed that the number of poor kids in Michigan has skyrocketed.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  02-29-2012  |  Economy

Riding Michigan's Roads to Ruinnew

As Michigan's infrastructure crumbles, Lansing's yahoos balk at funding road repair.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  02-15-2012  |  Transportation

Michigan's Medical Marijuana Law Turns Threenew

As the third anniversary of the ballot measure victory for Michigan's medical marijuana is marked this week, proponents are dealing with setbacks from municipalities, police, prosecutors and the courts.
Metro Times  |  Curt Guyette  |  11-17-2011  |  Drugs

Occupy Detroit on the Movenew

"Consensus is a beautiful thing, but it can be a little messy."
Metro Times  |  Curt Guyette  |  11-16-2011  |  #OCCUPY

Who’s the Criminal? Occupy Detroit Protesters Asknew

Arrests follow speaking out at public TV taping.
Metro Times  |  News Hits  |  11-09-2011  |  #OCCUPY

Ain't Too Proud to Begnew

Six stories of hardscrabble lives on the streets of Detroit.
Metro Times  |  Detroitblogger John  |  10-07-2011  |  Homelessness

MSM Slow to Pick Up on Occupy Wall Streetnew

If you’ve been watching mainstream TV news or reading mainstream newspapers, chances are you’re not aware that protesters in New York have been marching, speaking and waving signs against Wall Street. Dubbed “Occupy Wall Street,” the action has drawn about 1,000 people, who are occupying a park in lower Manhattan.
Metro Times  |  Michael Jackman  |  09-27-2011  |  #OCCUPY

Ghost Town Renegadenew

An owner of 93-year-old store stands tall as the neighborhood dies around him
Metro Times  |  Detroitblogger John  |  08-25-2011  |  Features

Arms around the citynew

Neighborhoods Day showcases a vibrant, positive, united Detroit.
Metro Times  |  Larry Gabriel  |  08-05-2011  |  Features

Court and Cross Michigan Case Puts Church v. State Before the U.S. Supreme Courtnew

The case of a Michigan teacher, accepted by the U.S. Supreme Court, could clarify whether hundreds of thousands of employees at parochial schools and other church-affiliated institutions deserve federal civil rights protections.
Metro Times  |  Sandra Svoboda (with Aaron Mondry)  |  07-15-2011  |  Civil Liberties

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