AltWeeklies Wire

Sex Addiction Has Devastating Effectsnew

Sex addiction falls into a grey area when it comes to diagnosis. However, many health professionals maintain that sex addiction is as real as it is devastating.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gail Johnson  |  11-24-2008  |  Sex

Ukraine Politicians Are Split on Russian Tiesnew

In the immediate aftermath of the Orange Revolution of 2004, the more extreme Ukrainian nationalists fantasised that the country could break all links with Russia and become an entirely Western state, but realism is starting to prevail.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  11-18-2008  |  International

Obama Could Thwart Canadian Exports from Alberta Tar Sandsnew

Barack Obama has signaled that addressing a "planet in peril" will be a top priority for his administration. Alberta's huge tar sands could soon feel the pain of America's solutions to climate change.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  11-11-2008  |  Environment

Wireless Access Tests Students' Focus in Classnew

As the speed and reliability of campus networks increases by leaps and bounds, wireless internet is changing how students get an education.
The Georgia Straight  |  Karen Pinchin  |  11-04-2008  |  Education

Young Canadians Taking on Record Levels of Debtnew

In an era of stagnant incomes, young Canadians depend on credit to pursue a bare-bones, middle-class life. So are Canada's young borrowers headed for a crisis?
The Georgia Straight  |  Pieta Woolley  |  11-04-2008  |  Economy

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Tells the Truth Too Latenew

Olmert recently said something that no previous Israeli prime minister has said. He declared that if Israel wants peace, it must withdraw from almost all the lands it occupied in 1967. Unfortunately, it's probably too late.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  10-06-2008  |  International

Investment Adviser: Bailout Plan Won't Helpnew

Vancouver-based Ian Gordon, a proponent of early 20th-century Russian economist Nikolai Kondratieff's wave theory of the cycles of capitalist systems, doesn't have much confidence that a bailout would make things much better.
The Georgia Straight  |  Carlito Pablo  |  10-03-2008  |  Economy

Workers Will be Forced to Pay for Wall Street's Failuresnew

The Masters of the Universe have been revealed as naive speculators who believed that property values could only go up. The journalists who preached the blessings of unregulated free markets have been unveiled as blind ideologues at best, and at worst paid propagandists. The response of American politicians at all levels has been pathetic.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  09-30-2008  |  Economy

Climate Scientist Claims Stephen Harper's Government Has Muzzled Expertsnew

The lead author of three Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment reports says the prime minister and his cabinet have ignored scientists while preparing Canada's response to global warming.
The Georgia Straight  |  Charlie Smith  |  09-26-2008  |  Environment

Thabo Mbeki's Spectacular Fall from Gracenew

It was widely believed of South Africa's outgoing president, Thabo Mbeki, that the only time he wasn't plotting was when he was asleep. More than his bizarre views on AIDS or even his failure to do much for South Africa's poor, it was that reputation as an inveterate plotter that finally brought him down.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  09-24-2008  |  International

Comrade Bush Nationalizes the Banksnew

The panicky flight from free-market orthodoxy in the United States is bound to fuel a revival of government intervention and welfare-state policies in the rest of the world. In the United States itself, however, they are likely to hang the wrong culprit in the end.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  09-24-2008  |  Economy

Political Bickering Could Start a New Cold Warnew

There is still no good reason to have a new Cold War, and I still think it won't happen. But as the politicians posture and the stupidities accumulate, I'm less sure than I was that it won't happen.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  08-29-2008  |  International

The Georgian Debacle Could Break NATOnew

If the U.S. pursues its goal of bringing Georgia and Ukraine into NATO, there are only three options. If "old Europe" digs in its heels and refuses, then either the U.S. drops its demand, or NATO breaks up. The third alternative is that "old Europe" agrees to let the two former Soviet republics join -- but with the unspoken reservation that they will never actually go to war with Russia to protect them.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  08-20-2008  |  International

South Ossetia Was a Monumental Miscalculation by Georgianew

This was Georgia's second attempt in 18 years to conquer the breakaway territory by force, and now that option is gone for good. So are the country's hopes of joining NATO. Yet sections of the Western media are carrying on as if the Russians started it, and are now threatening to invade Georgia itself.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  08-11-2008  |  International

Beijing's Defenses Can't Stop Terrorismnew

The deployment of 100,000 troops around Beijing and the surface-to-air missile batteries that protect the main stadiums couldn't stop two equally determined Uighur militants from killing 16 Chinese police and injuring another 16 in an attack on a border post near Kashgar.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  08-06-2008  |  International

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