AltWeeklies Wire
Guru's Gurunew
How a mysterious Svengali dominated the final days of the Boston-born hip-hop and jazz superstar.
Boston Phoenix |
Chris Faraone |
05-21-2010 |
Voodoo Economicsnew
What vampire and zombie movies can tell us about the future of capitalism.
Boston Phoenix |
Peter Keough |
05-21-2010 |
Is Genius Immortal?new
Tech god Ray Kurzweil is a modern-day Edison. Now he's battling to stay alive — forever
Boston Phoenix |
Chris Faraone |
04-29-2010 |
Tags: Ray Kurzweil
Is Murdoch's WSJ Being Snubbed?new

This year’s Pulitzer Prize box score has the Washington Post taking four prizes and the New York Times snagging three. For the Wall Street Journal, this year's Pulitzer Prizes marks another distinction: another year (the third consecutive) the WSJ hasn't gotten one.
Boston Phoenix |
Peter Kadzis |
04-14-2010 |
Tags: Rupert Murdoch
In Memorium: Karen Schmeer, 1970-2010new
Karen Schmeer, the brilliant local film editor whose work on Errol Morris's documentary The Fog of War helped win it the Best Documentary Oscar in 2004, died January 29 in a tragic accident, struck by a getaway car as she was crossing a street in Manhattan. She would have turned 40 on February 20.
Boston Phoenix |
Peter Keough |
02-02-2010 |
Meet the Boston-area Soccer Mom who Grows and Sells her own Weednew
Mary Jones is your typical suburban soccer mom, except that her kids don’t play soccer — and she grows and sells her own pot. How did this woman, who was once rabidly anti-drug, become not only a dealer but also a champion of a global pro-pot, anti-pharmaceutical movement?
Boston Phoenix |
Valerie Vande Panne |
12-02-2009 |
Searching for Meaning in the Overly Sanitized Myth of Thanksgivingnew
If you think Plymouth Rock was a crock, you might be onto something. The Thanksgiving story is full of inconsistencies and overblown mythology. We journeyed to southeastern Massachusetts to see if we could set the record straight.
Boston Phoenix |
Greg Cook |
11-30-2009 |
A Powerful New Art Installation Brings the War (and the Pain) Home to Bostonnew
For the majority of us Americans, Iraq and Afghanistan are a series of news-data points by now. That's what makes Krzysztof Wodiczko's new video installation, ... Out of Here: The Veterans Project, so powerful, and so necessary.
Boston Phoenix |
Greg Cook |
11-12-2009 |
Academia Under Attack ... by Zombiesnew
Humans vs. Zombies, an internationally played complicated role-playing tag game that can go on for weeks at a time, is bigger than ever these days. One local university recently mistook the game for real life.
Boston Phoenix |
Alexis Hauk |
10-30-2009 |
Inside One Man's Mission to Produce a Play About Porn Classic 'Deep Throat'new

David Bertolino is a family-oriented suburban dad who created SpookyWorld. But the one-time "hauntrepreneur" sold his scary theme park to pursue his real dream: writing and producing a warts-and-all play about the porn film Deep Throat.
Boston Phoenix |
Jon Hart |
10-29-2009 |
A Peek Inside Boston's So-Called Monkey Collegenew
At Helping Hands, a one-of-a-kind nonprofit school celebrating its 30th anniversary, monkeys train for two to four years before being matched with people nationwide who've experienced spinal-cord injuries or suffer from muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
10-22-2009 |
Macbeth Like You've Never Seen it Beforenew
Sleep No More a new, strange take on Macbeth, is a site-specific series of episodes in various pockets of a four-floored school building. Spectators are asked to wear masks as they explore the school's 44 rooms, many of them elaborately decorated and some of them boasting dramatic scenes staged by actors who wander about the building.
Boston Phoenix |
Steve Vineberg |
10-22-2009 |
Boston's Most Notorious Neighborhood is Looking Gayer and Gayer Every Daynew
Thirty years ago, South Boston was an internationally recognized symbol of raging, violent intolerance. So, would you believe that Southie is now quickly becoming one of the gay-friendliest neighborhoods in Boston?
Boston Phoenix |
Erica Corsano |
10-14-2009 |
Lying Liars, and the End of Accountabilitynew
When up is down, and down is out, who even knows what to believe anymore? The Zeitgeist is now cloudy with the din of dishonesty that it is difficult to determine what is truth and what is fiction. In other words, a perfect time for the new film The Invention of Lying.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
10-08-2009 |
Russell Freeland Gave Up Everything in Pursuit of His Risky Art Projectnew
Abstract artist Russell Freeland gave up everything -- that's everything -- to go from Boston to Austin and see if he could survive solely on his art. His homeless and hungry saga is told in the Absolute Zero Project.
Boston Phoenix |
Ian Sands |
10-07-2009 |