AltWeeklies Wire
The Clock is Ticking on Great Lakes Cleanupnew
John Austin of the Brookings Institution says that if the government spends $26 billion cleaning up the Great Lakes, the economic benefit to America will be $80 to $100 billion. Will the next president step up?
Artvoice |
Bruce Fisher |
03-14-2008 |
FOILed Againnew
None of the editors and government officials I spoke with in other cities had ever worked in a city that had a communications policy as restrictive as Buffalo's.
Tags: media
We Fight Because People Liednew
The nonprofit, nonpartisan Center for Public Integrity ( recently compiled a searchable database of lies George W. Bush and his above-mentioned underlings told regarding Iraq over a two-year period starting on September 11, 2001. There were 935 “false statements.”
Tags: war & peace
Wolf Blitzer, I Have News for Younew
Wolf: News is not entertainment. A political forum is not the Jerry Springer Show, despite your fondest fantasies of how you would like to transform the debates.
Tags: media
The Age of the Loan Dronesnew

With rising tuition rates, cutbacks in government aid, a job market that never fails to disappoint and an alarming display of fiscal irresponsibility among young Americans, more and more members of "Generation Debt" are accumulating debts of unmanageable proportions.
Tags: Education
Plastic Poisonnew
Phthalates protect plastic by making it more malleable, but a growing number of scientific studies suggest that while protecting plastic, certain phthalates are poisoning people. One place where toxic phthalates are particularly problematic is in children's toys.
Artvoice |
Michael I. Niman |
12-17-2007 |
Tags: environment
2006 Was a Bloody Year for Buffalonew
No one can better testify to the magnitude of the gore than the leadership of the Stop The Violence Coalition (STVC). For three and a half years the coalition has been doing what they call "God's work," in its efforts to reduce Buffalo's homicide rate.
Artvoice |
Leslie James Pickering |
11-30-2007 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Trucking Buffalonew
Truck traffic on the Peace Bridge is up as a result of NAFTA and it is expected to increase in decades to come, making the border ever less friendly to people, and more friendly to raw materials and manufactured goods.
Artvoice |
Bruce Jackson |
10-19-2007 |
Business & Labor
Failed State Diarynew
As a member of the House of Representatives' Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations, I traveled with a couple of my colleagues to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Chad last month.
Artvoice |
Rep. Brian Higgins |
10-05-2007 |
Tags: international
Steve Kurtz on Getting Off FBI's Terrorist Watch Listnew
The Critical Art Ensemble co-founder has become a poster boy for Bush administration paranoia and prosecutorial overreach.
Artvoice |
Geoff Kelly |
09-07-2007 |
Civil Liberties
In Buffalo, it's Apparently Not Easy Being Greennew
The city has struggled in vain to engrain environmental awareness and the positive economics of recycling on its residents.
Artvoice |
Peter Koch |
08-24-2007 |
Tags: Recycling, environment
Carbon Culturenew
All those giant cars, dick boats, and air-conditioned trophy homes all add up to one motherfucker of a carbon footprint.
Artvoice |
Michael I. Niman |
08-10-2007 |
Tags: environment
When President Bush declared western New York a federal disaster area following last October's freak snowstorm, he touched off an urban logging operation in Buffalo, paid for by federal dollars and benefiting only a few private contractors.
Artvoice |
Buck Quigley |
07-13-2007 |
Tags: environment
Gas Guzzling is a Hard Sell, But the Senate Is Buyingnew
Excuse me if I'm not impressed with the new fuel economy standards (35 miles per gallon by the year 2020) just passed by the US Senate.
Artvoice |
Michael I. Niman |
06-29-2007 |
Tags: environment
Topless Ridesnew
Test drive these if you're the open car type.
Artvoice |
Jim Corbran |
06-15-2007 |
Tags: transportation