AltWeeklies Wire

'Water From Stone': The Grass is Greenernew

Jeffrey Greene outlines J. David Bamberger's winding career, from door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman to Church's Fried Chicken co-founder to internationally lauded conservationist.
The Texas Observer  |  Stayton Bonner  |  07-03-2007  |  Nonfiction

Iraq War Vets Feel They're Being Cast Asidenew

In their own voices, three veterans speak of the inadequacy of what the military calls reintegration counseling, of the immediacy of their worst memories, of their helplessness in battle, of the struggle to rejoin a society that seems unwilling or unable to comprehend the price of their service.
The Texas Observer  |  Emily DePrang  |  07-03-2007  |  War

New Prisons, Tougher Sentences and a Little Lovenew

Texas lawmakers decided once again to build more prisons, jacked up sentences for myriad offenses, and extended capital punishment to repeat child sex offenders in this legislative session -- but they also approved extensive reforms that use parole, probation, and substance abuse treatment programs to keep people out of prison.
The Texas Observer  |  Patrick Michels  |  06-20-2007  |  Politics

Religious Expression Bill Blesses Those Who Wrote Itnew

Texas' "Religious Viewpoints Antidiscrimination Act" was drafted by private lawyers with a penchant for suing school districts, and may not only make lawsuits more likely, but stick taxpayers with even more legal fees.
The Texas Observer  |  Megan Headley  |  06-20-2007  |  Politics

A Fish Rots from the Head in Texasnew

With Gov. Rick Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, and House Speaker Tom Craddick in charge, the state's legislative session was a stinker.
The Texas Observer  |  Jake Bernstein  |  06-20-2007  |  Politics

The Patriot Group's Slow Startnew

Is even Texas becoming a tough business climate for conservative operatives? Or is this lobby and consulting firm motivated by something other than money?
The Texas Observer  |  Andrew Wheat  |  06-06-2007  |  Politics

Ducking the God Questionnew

To better appreciate just how difficult it can be for even the most devout intellectuals to confront the godless implications of Darwinism, one need look no further than Francisco Ayala's Darwin's Gift: To Science and Religion and Edward Larson's The Creation-Evolution Debate.
The Texas Observer  |  James McWilliams  |  06-06-2007  |  Nonfiction

When It Comes to Immigration, Fear Killsnew

We will never know how many have perished over the years beneath the waters of the Rio Grande, or the Florida Straits, for that matter -- but on the Texas border the situation has worsened as the U.S. cranks up the security.
The Texas Observer  |  Editorial  |  06-06-2007  |  Commentary

The Human Toll: Where Immigrants Go to Dienew

As border security tightens, South Texas becomes a graveyard for the weak and the unlucky.
The Texas Observer  |  Mary Jo McConahay  |  06-06-2007  |  Immigration

Texas Nurses Get Organizednew

Rose Ann DeMoro, a veteran labor organizer who sparked a nascent movement of nurse activists in California, has turned her attention to Texas.
The Texas Observer  |  Kathleen Sharp  |  05-21-2007  |  Business & Labor

DeLay, Inknew

Whatever the cause, DeLay disappoints readers who hoped the pen would be mightier than the Hammer.
The Texas Observer  |  Andrew Wheat  |  05-21-2007  |  Nonfiction

Inside the Mind of Texas' Most Powerful Fundamentalistnew

Rep. Warren Chisum wants Bibles in schools, abortions outlawed, and state-backed marriage counseling for couples wanting to take the plunge -- and now he holds the state's checkbook in his hands.
The Texas Observer  |  Megan Headley  |  05-21-2007  |  Politics

Congressman Pete Sessions: What, Me Worry?new

For Teflon Pete, a Dallas divorce case is a political problem.
The Texas Observer  |  Allen Pusey  |  04-24-2007  |  Politics

Texas is Amassing an Unprecedented Amount of Citizen Informationnew

Piece by piece, Gov. Rick Perry's homeland security office is gathering massive amounts of information about Texas residents and merging it to create the most exhaustive centralized database in state history, with no real oversight.
The Texas Observer  |  Jake Bernstein  |  04-24-2007  |  Civil Liberties

Pin the Blame on Accenturenew

In a misguided, poorly executed effort to let the private sector bring "efficiency" to Texas government, the state has squandered at least $100 million, and now officials blame the private consulting company that helped them set it up.
The Texas Observer  |  Dave Mann  |  04-10-2007  |  Policy Issues

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