AltWeeklies Wire

Sure, Mocking ScarJo is Trendy Right Nownew

By now we all know Maxim hottie Scarlett Johansson has released an album of Tom Waits covers. But, y'know, Anywhere I Lay My Head is actually not so bad.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Caralyn Green  |  05-27-2008  |  Reviews

Burger Battles: Five Guys vs. Goodburgernew

It's burger time on the west side of Chestnut, with N.Y.C. newcomer Goodburger (imported by Pietro's owners Nick Tsoulos and Peter Pashalis) challenging D.C. chainster Five Guys for the midtown lunch crowd's bovine-in-a-bun loyalties.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Adam Erace  |  05-27-2008  |  Food+Drink

'Loose Girl' isn't Satisfyingnew

Rather than a compelling tale of modern sexuality, Loose Girl is a milquetoast rendering of crappy sex and icky moments.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Liz Spikol  |  05-27-2008  |  Nonfiction

James Frey on Fact, Fiction and Doing It Once More, with Feelingnew

Frey's Lazarus-like literary return is Bright Shiny Morning, his first (complete) fiction novel. Like most subjects related to Frey, it's causing a polarizing shitstorm.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Bob Hill  |  05-27-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Foreclosure May Hurt Children the Mostnew

"When foreclosures force children from their homes, their education is disrupted, their peer relationships crumble, and the social networks that support them are fractured," according to a recent study by First Focus. "Indeed, their physical health, as well as their emotional health and well-being, is placed at risk." Tiffany Rodriguez, a North Philly 14-year-old, would have to agree.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tasneem Paghdiwala  |  05-27-2008  |  Housing & Development

The Angry Grammarian: How the Capitalization of "Internet" Foretold the Doom of Print Journalismnew

The copyediting rules applied to Internet-related terms go a long way in showing just how unprepared newspapers were for the Internet’s arrival, and how fundamental their misunderstanding was of it. So now, thanks to complete unpreparedness on the part of newspapers, we’re left with a mess of rules rife with inconsistencies.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Jeffrey Barg  |  05-27-2008  |  Commentary

The Breaks Combine Blues, Edgy Pop and Tight Arrangementsnew

Tale of Two Cities doesn't fit easily into one style, with the blues moments alternating with more edgy pop, flowing into more singer-songwriterly areas as well.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Mike Shanley  |  05-19-2008  |  Reviews

The Weird Luck and Southern Gothic Styles of Jim Whitenew

When White was picked up by David Byrne's Luaka Bop label, White estimates, only about 30 people had ever heard his music.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Margaret Welsh  |  05-19-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Jean Grae Says Peace Outnew

One of hip-hop's brightest MCs calls it quits. She says she means it.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Craig D. Lindsey  |  05-19-2008  |  Music

Lach on Antifolknew

"Antifolk is to folk what punk was to rock 'n' roll," he says. "Both genres had gotten stale and commercialized and overblown, and the subgenres came in to say the emperor's new clothes didn't exist."
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Jennifer Kelly  |  05-19-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Sangria Verdenew

Albarino is a grape varietal from the Galician region of Spain. Serves 12.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tim McGinnis  |  05-19-2008  |  Food+Drink

Is Bad Journalism to Blame for Marijuana Prohibition?new

Drugs are dangerous. Drugs ruin people's lives. Drugs can kill. But that doesn't mean they always do. The truth is, most people who use drugs -- both legal and illegal -- do so responsibly and without any noticeable detrimental effect. But that's just not a good story.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Daniel McQuade  |  05-19-2008  |  Drugs

Iraq Veterans Against the War Heads to D.C. to Testify Against the Warnew

The D.C. trip is IVAW's latest action in its Winter Soldier campaign, which began just more than a month ago when the group’s members gathered in Maryland to present their personal experiences to the world via satellite and streaming video on the internet, which reached more than 30,000 viewers on each day of the conference.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  St. John Barned-Smith  |  05-19-2008  |  War

Kurt Vile's Music is Wise Beyond Its Yearsnew

Vile's recorded countless CD-R demos over the years, becoming a home-recording guru in the process, but Hitmaker is his first proper solo release on a label, and it's impressive.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Brian McManus  |  05-12-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Country-Country of Lady Antebellumnew

The trio (two coiffed dudes and one done-up blondie in heels), offers just what you’d expect from their self-titled, debut album—soaring, Nashville-style power ballads engineered with a cunning pop/rock patina, all the better for wooing markets of all geographies. And woo they do.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Caralyn Green  |  05-12-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

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