AltWeeklies Wire

Get Turned on to Vidalia Onionsnew

Vidalias are adored for their caramel sweetness. What red peppers are to green, what yams are to Russets, what in-season heirlooms are to wintertime Roma tomatoes, so are Vidalias to white onions.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Mara Zepeda  |  06-16-2008  |  Food+Drink

Vidalia Onion Tart Makes a Great Light Suppernew

Omit bacon for a veggie version. Serves four.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Mara Zepeda  |  06-16-2008  |  Food+Drink

Sloane Crosley: A Sorta Normal Memoiristnew

Often compared in a good way to that lovable crew of screw-up self-memorializers -- David Sedaris, Sarah Vowell and Augusten Burroughs -- Crosley manages to set herself apart with her mild normality
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Alli Katz  |  06-16-2008  |  Nonfiction

Marc Brodzik on His Launch of Scrapple.TVnew

Scrapple.TV, an internet TV station, exists at the moment is a virtual pirate TV commune featuring every badass art bastard and stared-at-in-the-street crazy Philly street culture freak around.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Steven Wells  |  06-16-2008  |  Tech

Will Dredging the Delaware River Mean More Jobs for Philly's Longshoremen?new

At the union's peak 50 years ago, there were more than 6,000 laborers in the local International Longshoreman's Association (ILA). Now it has around 700 members who jockey for jobs unloading every boat as though it might be the last ship to ever make call in Philadelphia. But things might improve once the Delaware River gets dredged 5 feet deeper.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  G.W. Miller III  |  06-16-2008  |  Business & Labor

Philadelphians are Trading in Their Cars for Scootersnew

It's tough to look manly on a scooter: They're small, they're cute, they're popular in Europe. Our car-obsessed cowboy culture should want nothing to do with them, but it's amazing what $4 a gallon will do to cultural identity.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  John Steele  |  06-16-2008  |  Transportation

Multimedia Man David Carr Gives Us Some Urgent Advicenew

Carr was at the annual AAN convention in Philadelphia this weekend reminding alt–weeklies they can keep their ships afloat. He stressed the importance of multimedia as staff cutbacks, the uncertainty of profit and the uncharted push to the internet continue to challenge the industry.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Brian James Kirk  |  06-10-2008  |  Media

Reflecting on Ted Kennedynew

Flawed, damaged, far too rotund, Ted Kennedy wasn't the most romantic of the brothers. But he was the one they could pick on -- he was the one who lived.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tim Whitaker  |  06-03-2008  |  Commentary

Recipe: Barbecue Chicken Meltnew

This recipe sass-ifies kids and adults alike. Simple, too. Serves four.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Staff  |  06-03-2008  |  Food+Drink

Al Green's New Album Will Make You Wish You Were a Better Mannew

If there's one male vocalist who can make the most secure of men feel inadequate about the way he's been living his life, it's Rev. Al. Even after all these years Green still performs with all the authority of a man who has lived, who has accomplishments he's proud of and mistakes he's tried to rectify.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Craig D. Lindsey  |  06-03-2008  |  Reviews

Utah Phillips, 1935-2008new

The singer, songwriter, activist, historian, storyteller and railroad tramp died last month at his home in Nevada City, Calif. Though he spent a lifetime imparting stories, songs and poems to the multitudes that came to hear him play, he took with him all the bits that never got written down -- what he referred to as "the long memory."
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Jeffrey Barg  |  06-03-2008  |  Music

Risky Surgery Might Return an Eager Vet to Iraqnew

After being injured by an IED in Iraq, Richard Bennett has been searching for a doctor to reverse his injuries so he can return to the battle lines. "I just have to get my [spinal discs] replaced or fused ... either that or a doctor willing to sign a waiver saying I'm capable [for combat]," he says. But the doctors have been unwilling to operate, saying the surgery would be too risky on someone so young.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  St. John Barned-Smith  |  06-03-2008  |  War

Is Emily Gould the New Journalism?new

The real question brought up by the publication of one girl's 8,000–word finger–flip to an ex–boyfriend in the New York Times Magazine goes like this: Because web traffic determines ad cost, is the distinction between good and popular collapsing?
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  06-03-2008  |  Media

Confessions of an Internet TV Junkienew

Competitive reality shows, sitcoms, Wristcutters: A Love Story -- I need them all.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Caralyn Green  |  06-03-2008  |  Commentary

The Angry Grammarian: White People Love Grammarnew

I’m white. Always have been. So imagine my excitement when “Grammar” was recently featured on the ever-popular Stuff White People Like blog.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Jeffrey Barg  |  05-27-2008  |  Commentary

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