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Best of Jackson 2012new

Every fall for a decade now, the Jackson Free Press has asked readers to vote for your favorite local businesses, people, institutions and organizations. Thank you to all who took time to fill out the long ballot to help point this positive spotlight where it needs to shine.
Jackson Free Press  |  Donna Ladd  |  01-27-2012  |  Commentary

Ballet Magnificat! Marks 25 Yearsnew

As a professional ballerina, Kathy Thibodeaux began to pray about her career and her future when she became a Christian in 1979. "Should I keep dancing? Do I give up dancing?" She wondered. At that point, she says, no one in the country was really dancing for Jesus. Her Christian friends were skeptical that dancing was something a nice Christian girl should do.
Jackson Free Press  |  Briana Robinson  |  12-08-2011  |  Performance

Engineering Whimsynew

The Mississippi Museum of Art will open a public green space in downtown Jackson called the Art Garden.
Jackson Free Press  |  Valerie Wells  |  08-25-2011  |  Art

Building a Creative Class in Mississippinew

Jackson's low cost of living, laid-back atmosphere and resurgence of urban dwellers make it a place where artists can thrive.
Jackson Free Press  |  Lacey McLaughlin  |  05-27-2011  |  Culture

Good Mama: Pondering Motherhoodnew

Four weeks ago I shot my own little "chick-let" out of my vagina and unceremoniously became someone’s parent. Although I've had almost a month to get used to the idea, I still sit around my house and scream, "Holy Crap! I have a kid!" at least once a day.
Jackson Free Press  |  Lori Gregory  |  07-26-2009  |  Comedy

Anger: Confusing the Story with Realitynew

It's never events themselves that make us angry. Rather, it's the one-sided story we tell ourselves about what these events mean.
Jackson Free Press  |  Melia Dicker  |  07-09-2009  |  Culture

Sweet Meets Savory: Take Another Look at Pot Piesnew

Sure, pecans and cherries and strawberries make fine fillings, but what about all those other items you pass in the produce and sections on grocery trips? It’s time to think about how they would make your mouth and stomach very, very happy.
Jackson Free Press  |  Neola Young  |  07-09-2009  |  Food+Drink

The Long and Short(cake) of Itnew

Despite what your 7-year-old nephew might believe, shortcake is not just a socially acceptable vehicle for pounds of whipped topping.
Jackson Free Press  |  Deirdra Harris Glover  |  07-09-2009  |  Food+Drink

Stress: Causes and Curesnew

Name any ailment you may have, and stress will probably make it worse. Are you feeling stressed just reading this?
Jackson Free Press  |  Melia Dicker  |  06-26-2009  |  Culture

Salad Daze: Avoiding Lettuce Burnoutnew

When summer rolls around, I'll take any flimsy excuse to keep my distance from the stove. Inevitably, common sense gives me a good shake, and I make a reasonable decision: I just need to eat more salads. With recipes for Deconstructed Pesto Salad and Grilled Caesar.
Jackson Free Press  |  Deirdra Harris Glover  |  06-26-2009  |  Food+Drink

DIY: Raised Garden Bednew

This summer, we chose to plant a variety of bell peppers, squash, tomatoes and herbs in a raised garden bed. Here’s how to do it.
Jackson Free Press  |  Melia Dicker and Darren Schwindaman  |  06-26-2009  |  Gardening

Converter-Box Conspiracynew

It's been one week since the digital television transition deadline. Did you get your analog-to-digital converter box yet?
Jackson Free Press  |  Ken Stiggers  |  06-26-2009  |  Comedy

Making Peace: First, Love Yourselfnew

The acts of forgiveness and being forgiven are so powerful that if we could bottle forgiveness and issue it to every human being, we could solve many of the world's problems.
Jackson Free Press  |  Jackie Warren Tatum  |  05-11-2009  |  Culture

Michelle Obama Style Guidenew

Michelle Obama may be taking over Jackie O's spot as America's most fashionable first lady. Here's the rundown on her favorite looks and designers.
Jackson Free Press  |  Jaclyn Bethany  |  05-11-2009  |  Fashion

Ready or Not for Babynew

Babies have a habit of appearing at the least opportune moment, like when a verdict is due on a big story. And no two pregnancies (or births) are ever the same.
Jackson Free Press  |  Dawn Dugle  |  05-11-2009  |  Culture

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